dis-PLACE competition

Jacksonville AIA

Type: Open
Registration Deadline: May 19, 2000
Submission Deadline: May 19, 2000
Open to: All students & architects
Entry Fee: Professionals $50 Students Free
Awards: US $2,000
Jury: To be announced

dis -
is a series of design competitions initiated to solicit critical and engaging proposals that envision architecture as a culturally productive apparatus.

dis -
is sponsored by the Design Resource Collaborative, a committee organized by the Jacksonville Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. The DRC exists to engage dialogues that explore issues critical to the design disciplines, recognizing the cultural significance of architecture and design.

dis - PLACE
the first in the dis series, targets the city in two ways. First, in prototypical terms, as a general investigation of urbanity that frames the city as a conceptual device as opposed to a series of formal patterns. Participants are challenged to investigate current social and cultural systems as a means of developing new urban models that describe the contemporary metropolis vis a vis an investigation of the constellation of discourses and relationships which frame the discursive city. The discursive city addresses the manifold forms of discourse that constitute design. These forms include cultural, ideological, methodological and scientific trajectories.

Simultaneously the city of Jacksonville is targeted as a specific place with a set of intrinsic challenges framing the redevelopment of the city core.

Discursive: rambling, going from one point to another with no planned sequence || treating many subjects broadly || proceeding by reason or argument (cf. INTUITIVE) [fr. L. discurrere (discursus), to run about]

Jacksonville is prototypical of many American cities that are in the process of reurbanization. After decades of erosion, there is a renewed enthusiasm for the city core as a viable place to work and live. This phenomenon is resulting in an unprecedented rate of growth that is framed largely by politicians and developers. Much of this growth is uncritical and nostalgic, referencing antiquated urban models that have not been demonstrated to account for the complexion of contemporary society and culture.

Historically, Jacksonville has been dominated by industry and conveyance. The city is in a process of disruption, a shift precipitated by the presence of the Jacksonville Jaguars, an NFL team. The displacement of the industrial pattern by the entertainment event is unresolved as a result of the intermittent nature of this event. Consequently, the effect on the existing urban system is marginal.

The challenge is twofold. Develop a solution that addresses the site's transformation from a context dominated by industry to a context dominated by sports and entertainment. Develop a solution that addresses the problems inherent within the conflict of an intermittent spectacle that floods the site with 70,000 people fourteen times a year which is superimposed upon the desire to develop a fabric that is active twenty-four hours a day 365 days a year.

Spectacle: a display, usually on a large scale, which attracts attention || someone who, by his appearance or behavior, is seen to be ludicrous || (pl.) a pair of lenses, mounted in a light frame which rests on the bridge of the nose and hooks or rest behind the ears, designed to correct certain defects of vision or to protect the eyes .

For more information or to register, contact:
Design Resource Collaborative
Jacksonville Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
P. O. Box 40471
Jacksonville, Florida 32203-0471
(904) 389-9421



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