Membrane Design Competition

Sponsor:Taiyo Kogyo Corporation
Support:Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.
Planning:Architectural Communication
Consultants:Degital Hollywood

Theme: Membranes for Public Urban Spaces

Starting this year, the Membrane Design Competition will require applicants to submit images in digital data form. The submitted images will be viewed by the competition panel for evaluation and judgment. We believe that this new submission method is a positive move, and hope that applicants will take advantage of the change to achieve even greater design innovation. Due to their unique nature, membranes can assume a variety of shapes as a tension-type material, but they lack compression characteristics. They must be combined with compression-type materials for spatial expression. The selection and combination of membranes and other materials are the key to designing practical public spaces. The theme of the 15th competition, "Membranes for Public Urban Spaces," invites ideas that effectively utilize membrane characteristics to create attractive public spaces which also serve as useful functions in city environments. The proposed spaces can be large or small urban facilities. They may serve as plazas, walkways or similar functions. Applicants can select any type of public space for their design proposal. There will be an added challenge, however, to create appealing designs in the limited display area of a monitor screen. Applicants may decide for themselves whether to include a layout diagram or detailed sectional drawings. Also, the text on the images, if used, must be large enough to be easily read on a computer screen, and the number of characters must be minimized. We look forward to receiving a stream of creative and innovative design ideas suited to the new century ahead.


Chairman of the panel
Kisyo Kurokawa (Architect, Kisyo Kurokawa Architect & Assocates)
Members of the panel
Jun Aoki (Architect, Jun Aoki & Associates)
Shigeru Ban (Engineer, Van Structural Design)
Kazuhiro Kojima (Architect, C+A/Coelacanth & Associates ), Associate Professor at Science University of Tokyo)
Tadasu Ohe (Architect, Plantec Architects)
(in alphabetical order based on last names)
Shozo Baba (Architectural Communication Consultants)
System Adviser
Hiroyuki Futai (Futai Architects)


1st prize: 1 JPN \1,500,000
2nd prize: 1 JPN \500,000
3rd prize: 1 JPN \300,000
Honorable mentions: 7 JPN \100,000 each

Design Presentation

Design work (consisting of one image) and a written description must be submitted by each applicant.
The image data must be a JPEG file of a computer-processed still image that can be opened and viewed by a Web browser (Netscape 4.5 or higher, or Internet Explorer 4.5 or higher).
The description must be 150 words in English or 200 characters in Japanese.

JPEG File Requirements
Size: 600 x 600 pixels, or less
Resolution: 72 dpi (pixels/inch)
The color mode must be RGB or gray scale, and the file must be compressed to 200 kB or less in size.
Images will be judged on a computer screen.

Application Method

Applications will be accepted only on the Internet Web site of Taiyo Kogyo Corporation.
After accessing the URL listed below, open the "Membrane Design Competition 2000" application page, input the necessary information, and send your design and written description as instructed.
Applications will not be accepted in any other way. Floppy discs mailed or directly delivered, or data sent by e-mail from sites other than the specified Web site application page will not be accepted.

Web Site for Application Submission

Taiyo Kogyo Corporation Home Page "Membrane Design Competition 2000"

Deadline for Design Submission

July 17 (Monday), 2000 (Tokyo time)

Preliminary Screening

The panel of jury will select 10 entries from the submitted designs in the preliminary screening.

Final Selection (Open Format)

2October 7 (Saturday), 2000 at the Tokyo International Forum
The ten designs selected in the preliminary screening will be evaluated for the final selection. For this, the ten selected applicants must submit designs that have been further refined and present them in person to the panel(of judges). Based on this, the panel will select the winners for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

*There is no special format required for entries submitted for the final selection. The format will be basically left up to the applicants. We encourage applicants to actively challenge the many possibilities that are available by this year's digital presentation theme.
However, it will be necessary to consult with the contest sponsors in advance regarding the prentation format, as it may not be possible to accommodate some types of presentations.

* Individuals or groups who are selected in the preliminary examination to present their design ideas in the final screening but cannot submit reworked designs will be removed from the list of finalists for the final selection.
* Actual transportation expenses will be provided to the applicants (to one person in the case of a group) who reside in Japan but live in areas far from the final contest site.

Overseas applicants
coming to Japan for the final selection will receive \150,000 each (to cover transportation and hotel fees), in addition to the prize money, at the final selection site.
* The sponsor will not be a guarantor or handle any immigration procedures for overseas applicants entering Japan. Those visiting Japan for the contest are requested to take care of all necessary procedures for entering Japan on their own.

Announcement of Winners

The winners will be announced in the November 2000 issue of the monthly "Shinkenchiku" magazine and on Taiyo Kogyo's Web site.


* All rights to design works will remain with the applicants. Thus, applicants are responsible for taking all measures that may be required to protect industrial property rights, if necessary.
* For the 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-prize winners, and those with honorable mentions, the sponsor reserves the first right to the exclusive use of the designs in actual construction projects.
* Copyrights on submitted design works will remain with the applicants.
However, for the 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-prize winners, and those with honorable mentions, the sponsor reserves the rights for printing, advertising, publication, exhibition, etc.


* Only design works that have not been previously published or announced in any media or location whatsoever shall be submitted.
* Questions concerning the theme shall not be answered by the sponsoring organization. There is no restriction on design ideas except those outline for the regulations and requirements concerning the application and form of design work submission.
* Applicants whose design works are selected for prizes will be notified of the results after the panel's examination.
* Submitted design works will not be returned, so copies should be kept by the applicants, if necessary.
* Design works to which any or all of the following conditions apply will be excluded from the judging, or will be prohibited from prize-winning eligibility even after the results are announced.
1. Designs that clearly violate the copyrights, industrial property rights or various rights of others.
2. Designs that have already been published or announced elsewhere.


Membrane Design Competition Office (Attention: Ms.Morimoto)
Taiyo Kogyo Corporation
Fax: +81-6-6306-3154

Sponsor: Taiyo Kogyo Corporation
Support: Shinkenchiku-sha Co.,Ltd.
Planning: Architectural Communication Consultants




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