Mendefera Junior College for Natural and Paramedical Sciences
International Design Competition

Request for Expressions of Interest

The State of Eritrea will receive a credit from the Italian Government towards the project cost of a Junior College to be erected in the town of Mendefera, Eritrea. Furthermore, the Italian Government has provided the University of Asmara with an untied grant, through a trust fund to the World Bank. It is intended that the proceeds of the grant will be applied to eligible payments under contracts for consultancy services to prepare the design and tender documents for the construction of the Junior College, and to perform supervision of works. The Junior College in Mendefera is part of a broader programme, namely CAMPUS (Co-operation for Asmara Multi-campus Programme and University System), which will be funded at a later stage aiming at the planning and design of new university infrastructures in Halhale (College of Agriculture), Asmara (Main Campus), Embatkala (Manage-ment Institute) and Hirgigo (Marine and Maritime Sciences).

The implementation of this programme is co-ordinated by a Project Implementation and Manage-ment Unit (PIMU) established at the University of Asmara.
The University of Asmara invites eligible consultants to express their interest to participate in the competition for designing the Mendefera Junior College, for a population of about 2,500 students. The Campus will need about 48,000 square meters of surface area and accommodate the following functions: Administration - Auditoriums for a total of 900 contemporary presence (three auditori-ums for 200 people and three lecture rooms for 100 people) - Two Laboratories - Library - Refec-tory - Student Union - Gymnasium - Infirmary - Outside Sport Facilities - Student Dormitories (male and female) - Faculty Housing - Plant Services.
Interested consultants - who may associate/form joint ventures to enhance their qualifications - must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services, and including the following:

- A curriculum vitae of the team leader and the other members of the team, including legal, tech-nical, economic and financial skills;
- A maximum of 15 (35mm.) slides concerning no more than 5 previously realised or non-realised works of similar magnitude and complexity;
- A maximum of 15 A4-size pages of drawings and texts concerning the above mentioned real-ised/non-realised works;
- A description of the available technical organization and the staff involved;
- A list of relevant design services carried out in the last five years amounting to a total value (in current USD) of USD 2,500,000 or more.

The University of Asmara will shortlist a maximum of six qualified consultants that will be invited to develop a scheme design of the Mendefera Junior College. To this end the shortlisted competitors will receive the Request for Proposals (RFP), the Terms of Reference (TOR) and the graphic mate-rial necessary for the development of the project along with the letter of invitation.
In accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employ-ment of Consultants by the World Bank Borrowers, January 1997, revised January 1999, a consult-ant will be selected and invited to negotiate a contract for design services, with an option for super-vision services.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by May 10th, 2000

Office of the President
University of Asmara
Address P.O. Box 1220, Asmara, Eritrea
Telephone 00291-1-161926 - fax 00291-1-162236



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