Restricted ideas and design competition
concerning a
New Urban District in Quinngorput, Nuuk, Greenland

The Municipality of Nuuk is looking for a group of consultants to carry out the planning of a new urban district in Nuuk and design the first stage of a residential complex in the area.

The demand for housing is very great in Nuuk. The development potential within the existing urban framework has been almost fully used, and consequently the local authority has decided to initiate the development of a new urban district to the east of Nuuk. This district is to comprise 1,200 housing units, a shopping centre, a natural port and an industrial zone. The new district is called Qinngorput.

The Municipality of Nuuk wishes to appoint a highly competent group of consultants who will be able to carry out this assignment. In order to identify the best possible team, a restricted ideas and design competition will be held for 8-10 invited groups of consultants.

Architects, engineers and others in the Nordic countries and Canada who are interested in participating in the competition are kindly requested to send in an application for participation.

Participating groups of consultants must meet the following requirements:

- They must be able to design urban plans (urban building structure masterplans) of high quality.
- They must be able us design buildings of high architectural and technical quality.
- They must have previous experience from construction projects in Arctic areas.

The Municipality of Nuuk would like applying groups to include specialists in areas such as, for example, sociology. The buildings proposed must be adapted to conditions in Greenland, including the special living patterns and lifestyle in the country.

Applications from both experienced and less experienced firms will be considered. Candidates need not document experience from previous building projects in Greenland, and groups may be formed across national borders.

Applications must include a brief but fully informative description of the composition of the group, its professional qualifications, and its capacity in terms of finances and resources. Relevant references must accompany the application (unrealised projects may be included).

Prizes in the sum of DKK 850,000 will be awarded, though the organisers reserve the right not to award prizes to all participants. The first prize will be at least DKK 200,000. This sum will not be deducted from the fee paid for the actual assignment.

Each selected group with foreign members will receive a sum of DKK 20,000 to be spent on a trip to Greenland to study conditions prior to the preparation of proposals.

The competition is organised in collaboration with the Federation of Danish Architects. It is expected that the competition period will start at the beginning of August and end at the end of October 2000. If you are interested in participating, maps and pictures are available from the Competition Secretariat of the Federation of Danish Architects at the following address: DALs Konkurrencesekretariat, Strandgade 27A. DK-1401 Copenhagen K; tel:+45 32 83 69 00; e-mail:

Applications may be in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or English and must reach the Municipality of Nuuk on or before 11 July 2000 at the following address: Nuup Kommunea, Forvaltningen for Teknik og Miljų, postboks 1005, DK-3900 Nuuk, Greenland; e-mail:



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