Journal for Architectural Education

Type: Open
Registration Deadline: September 15, 2001
Submission Deadline: September 15, 2001
Open to: All
Entry Fee: None
Awards: Publication in JAE
Jury: JAE Design Committee

In what ways can design itself be said to constitute a form of research? How do the methods, or processes of this research engage those of discursive inquiry? What role does the design artifact play in the conjectural process? Conversely, what kinds of questions and concerns can be pursued in this form of research?

The Journal of Architectural Education invites submissions of innovative design work and teaching that can offer insight into these questions and illuminate the range of possibilities for understanding creative scholarship. Architectural work in any media and area of inquiry that specifically utilizes the processes of making and creative invention for critical, speculative, and investigative purposes are welcome.

Submission checklist:

1) One portfolio of the project in 8.5" x 11" bound format (1" max. thickness). As this is the means by which the project's richness must be rendered and its critical ideas clearly communicated, designers are urged to give careful consideration to the preparation and selection of images and to their coordination with the supporting text.

2) Six (6) copies of a succinct statement of no more than 1000 words. This supporting text should address the theme questions in clearly explaining the project and its critical intentions.

3) Six (6) copies of a provisional layout for the project, assuming a 4-page, black-and-white format. This sample, which will give a sense of how the project may be presented in more finite form, will be sent to the jury panel in advance of the submission review. (Designers may present the supporting text directly within this layout).

4) One cover letter containing the names of the designers or faculty member(s), students, institution, address, phone/fax numbers, and e-mail address. No identification of designers should appear on any part of the submission itself.

Submissions will be blind-juried by a panel of design educators and professionals. Label the package ``Design: Research" and send to Howard Smith, Managing Editor, JAE, P.O. Box 29276, Los Angeles, CA 90029-0276. Please include self-addressed envelope and postage if materials are to be returned.

For further information on the JAE review process, consult Entries should be postmarked by September 15, 2000.



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