Département Du Rhône


european architectural design contest
notice of call for bids

I – Identification of the body awarding the contract
Project Commissioner:
Département du Rhône
29, 31 cours de la Liberté
69483 Lyon CEDEX 03

Project Commissioner's Representative:
Société d'Equipement du Rhône et de Lyon (S.E.R.L.)
4 boulevard Eugène Deruelle
BP 3099
69398 Lyon CEDEX 03

II – Procedure for awarding the contract
Architectural design contest with the aim of appointing an architect's team in accordance with articles 279.1 and 314 ter of the Code of Public Works.

III – Subject of the contract
Construction of the Musée des Confluences in the 2nd arrondissement of Lyon (Rhône). This is a root assignment as defined by article 15 of government order No. 93-1268 dated 29 November 1993; as such, complementary assignments may be added to it.

IV – Chief characteristics
The Conseil Général du Rhône (Rhône Local Council) has decided to create the Musée des Confluences at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers. This is a major urban development site.

The Musée des Confluences is conceived as a contemporary-style museum devoted to educating the public about science and society. Its aim will be to examine the interactions between the sciences and society, to stimulate enquiry, and to make the public aware of the major scientific issues affecting the modern world, both on the large and small scales.

The museum will be a place for learning and living and will offer visitors the opportunity to discover science for themselves and share their discoveries with others. It will encourage both private reflection and shared debate.

The site chosen for the museum, at the tip of the peninsula where the Rhône and Saône rivers meet, is a reflection of the innovatory character of this scientific and educational project. The winning design must therefore reflect both the aims of the museum and its outstanding setting.

The target admissions of 500,000 visitors per year will give the museum a Europe-wide status as a cultural centre.

The 20,000m² total useful surface area of the museum will be divided into permanent and visiting exhibition halls, teaching/lecture areas, auditoriums and conference-rooms as well as catering, museum shop, reception and logistics facilities. The museum is scheduled to open in 2005.

V – Awarding of the contract
The contract to build the museum will be awarded in conformity with articles 314 bis (paragraph 5) and 314 ter of the Code of Public Works (i.e. by secret bid).

Shortlist criteria:

Applicants are invited to submit a file giving details of their resources, skills and clients. These files will be examined by a panel who will advise the Project Commissioner on drawing up a shortlist.

Shortlisted applicants will be selected mainly by virtue of:
- the competence of their team (composition and organisation),
- resources available to complete the assignment, in particular a commitment to be available for the project,
- the quality of the reference files of the team members; this should include details of projects completed in the educational and scientific fields and premises open to the public.

The Project Commissioner will shortlist seven applicants.

The 7 teams will receive the project programme.

The shortlisted applicants will have approximately twelve weeks in which to provide an outline of the project: "outline" should be understood in the terms of the Public Works law of 12 July 1985 (government order 1268-93 dated 29 November 1993). The outline should be accompanied by any necessary information explaining the architectural features, the costing of the project and the principles of construction together with a scale model.

Criteria by which projects will be judged:

The projects presented will be judged along the following criteria in order to pick the winning applicant:

1- compliance with the programme and competition rules,
2- architectural qualities and integration of the building into the site,
3- internal operation and organisation of volumes,
4- adherence to the planning budget allocated by the Project Commissioner
5- principles of construction and compliance with safety standards
6- overall running and maintenance costs of the project

The adjudication panel will provide the Project Commissioner with a list of the applications arranged by order of preference.

A contract will be negotiated with the winner or winners of the competition.

The Project Commissioner is not bound to accept the panel's recommendations, which must be accompanied by explanations of the choices made.

Provided their applications comply with the competition rules, each unsuccessful shortlisted applicant will be paid the sum of FF 350,000 (€ 53,357) including tax.

This sum includes the cost of the scale model.

The winner will receive the same sum paid as an advance on the contract.

VI – Composition of the team
The present call for bids is open to contracting teams the minimum composition of which must include specialists in the following fields:
- architectural surveys,
- technical surveys covering structure, fluids, roads and utilities, acoustics,
- technical surveys covering preventive conservation of precious items and collections,
- technical surveys covering public reception, movement and safety,
- technical surveys covering the integration of every type of new communications technology,
- project economic surveys,
- environmental protection surveys.

The teams should also include one or more designers.

These skills may overlap provided that details are given of the human and equipment resources available for each sector, and that the corresponding references are provided.

Joint contractors are not required to be members of only one group.

The members of the winning group will be severally liable. The group will be made up as follows:
- a group of jointly and severally liable individuals or legal entities responsible for the assignments making up the project,
- one or more individuals responsible for design decisions.

As the agents of the jointly and severally liable group, the architect or group of architects will work as the agents of the severally liable group. The architect will, however, retain responsibility for selecting and organising the joint contractors.

The winning architect will have to show that he/she can devote considerable time to the project.

VII – Deadline for receipt of applications
4 p.m. on 2 October 2000.

VIII – Address for applications
Applications must be sent by recorded delivery to:

4 boulevard Eugène Deruelle
BP 3099
69398 Lyon CEDEX 03

or left by hand at the above address (reception is on the 11th floor and open 9 a.m. to noon, and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) Applications must be labelled: "Candidature pour le Musée des Confluences – NE PAS OUVRIR" (Application for the Musée des Confluences – DO NOT OPEN).

IX- Proof of applicants' status and qualifications
Applications must be written in French and comprise:

Part 1 of the application (administrative documents)

Part 2 of the application giving the applicant's references together with the presentation board.


1. A declaration of intention to sub-contract with details of each member of the team; this document must be presented by the project head and signed by each member of the team (French government form DC4 may be used).

2. Each member of the team must provide:

The original of the applicant's declaration duly signed and dated (sections DC5F or DC5E, and DC6). These documents may be obtained from the S.E.R.L. Alternatively they are on sale to the public at the French National Printers, Imprimerie Nationale, 2 rue Paul Hervieu, 75015 Paris or by post from Service Diffusion (distribution department), B.P. 514, 59505 Douai CEDEX.

- Certified copies of tax form 3666 (taxes and VAT), URSSAF (social security) certificate (both sides) and certificates of paid holiday, sickness, pensions (where applicable), or annual statements of certificates received (DC7) from the Treasury Paymaster General of the place in which the taxes have been paid. These certificates or statements must show that the company was up to date with its contributions on 31/12/99.

Each of these photocopied documents must be certified identical to the original by bearing the words "Je soussigné .......... agissant au nom de la société .......... atteste sur l'honneur que la présente photocopie est conforme à l'original" (I the undersigned .......... acting on behalf of the .......... company hereby certify on my honour that the present photocopy is a true copy of the original). The photocopies must bear the original dates and signatures of a person authorised to take decisions that are binding on the company.

Applicants from outside France must provide a certified copy of certificates issued by the appropriate authorities in their State. Such certificates must state that the applicant has fulfilled his/her obligations regarding payment of the social security contributions, taxes and dues required by the laws of the country concerned. For taxes and contributions for which the State issues no such certificate, applicants must draft a signed, dated certificate written in French in which they certify on their honour that they have fulfilled their obligations.

- An original certificate signed and dated by a person authorised to take decisions that are binding on the company on his/her honour that the applicant has not, over the past five years, been convicted of an offence that requires 
registration on list 2 of the police records under articles L.324.9, L.324.10, L.341.6, L.125.1 and L.125.3 of the labour laws (article 5.6 of order 97.638 of 31 May 1997) or equivalent legislation for foreign applicants. This certificate is not required from applicants who submit form DC5F99 or DC5E99.


Each member of the team must provide:

- a presentation of itself: name, registered name, legal form, registered capital, turnover, outline of company structure, human and other resources, shareholdings, certificates of professional qualifications, etc.

- a table giving the references of seven assignments, either completed or in progress, that the applicant considers representative of its work relative to the subject of the competition.

- Each reference must give:
? the Project Commissioner
? the cost of the works
? the exact nature of the applicant's assignment and fees charged
? the delivery date

(A model table may be obtained from the S.E.R.L.)

Each team must provide a poster consisting of 2 unbound horizontal A3 pages showing photographs or colour photocopies of assignments the applicant considers representative of its work relative to the subject of the competition.

Applicants may attach any documents such as brochures, article, etc. to be used to judge their skills, references and resources. These documents will be returned to unsuccessful applicants at the end of the competition.

X- Address from which competition rules may be obtained
4 boulevard Eugène Deruelle
BP 3099
69398 Lyon CEDEX 03

XI- Further information
By fax only from S.E.R.L.
Contact person: Philippe Rambaud – Fax: (+33) 478 95 22 31

XII- Date notice sent for publication
24 July 2000.

JMZ INTERNATIONAL/Compte-Fils Edition /Dossier n° 5969/Version anglaise/29/08/00




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