
Introduction of Deyan Sudjic

In conjunction with BMW, domus magazine is promoting a competition, open to students of design worldwide. We are looking for innovative ideas that address new ways of conceptualising the car within the context of evolving urban infrastructure, in both rational functional terms, and also in ways that provide the emotional qualities we also look for in the vehicles we use.

Competition theme
This is a challenging but very rewarding competition that looks for ideas at the boundaries between architecture, design and urbanism. The prize is a twelve month internship at the BMW AG International Design Department in Munich during which the winner will have a chance to develop the winning design with the resources of the company. We are offering the chance for students to take a completely new look at the future of mobility, as well as of our cities. The car as we know it now is the product of a particular set of circumstances, economic, social, and technological. The design of the car as we know it, has responded to these circumstances. This competition is looking to explore bold and original new solutions to mobility within a fast changing urban context. Submissions could take the form a car that attempts to address this changing context, or they could look at the interaction between personal mobility, and the city.

Competition regulations

Art. 1 - The organizers
Editoriale Domus S.p.A., via Achille Grandi 5/7, Rozzano (MI), Italy, is organizing a competition in collaboration with BMW Italia S.p.A., via della Unione Europea 1, 20097, San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy. It is to take place through domus magazine and is titled:

Art. 2 - Who it is intended for
The competition is intended for students worldwide and graduates who have received their degree not more than 36 (thirty-six) months ago. All projects must be the work of individuals; group work is not accepted.

Art. 3 - Who receives the award
The most innovative idea or design on the above-mentioned theme obtains the prize.

Art. 4 - How to participate
Each entrant can submit only one design. Said design has to be sent by overnight courier no later than November 10, 2000 to the following address (the shipping date will prove that this condition has been met):
domus magazine domus - BMW Competition Via Achille Grandi, 5/7 20089 Rozzano (MI) - Italy
Various material will be admitted to present the design. The submissions shall absolutely comply with the following characteristics: o Drawings: Format UNI: A1 (594x841cm) A2 (420x594 cm), A3 (297x420 cm), up to 10. o Slides: 24x36 mm, up to 10. o Videos: VHS format, up to 2 cassettes. o Models: Up to 5. The certificate of origin shall be sent together with the design; (a facsimile is available from the journal's offices or it can be downloaded from this web site Said certificate shall be completed in full. In addition, a certificate from the school showing that the participant really is registered for the year or that he or she has graduated; in the latter case, the graduation date will be specified. If all or part of the above-mentioned documents are missing, the submissions will not be accepted for the competition. When the designs arrive at the competition's headquarters, each section will be made anonymous; it will be assigned an identifying code. None of the design's elements shall be signed or bear any distinctive mark. The competition's official languages will be Italian and English.

Art. 5 - The jury
All the submissions received will be subjected to an initial selection to verify that they are coherent with the competition's purpose and comply with the regulations. Said preliminary selection will be carried out by the staff of domus magazine. The competition's final jury will comprise Deyan Sudjic, the Jury Chairman, Christopher E. Bangle, director of the BMW AG Design Center, plus architects and designers of international stature nominated by Editoriale Domus S.p.A. and BMW Italia S.p.A. The designs will be examined anonymously; the competitor's name will only be revealed after the appraisal. The jury will meet at the Milan headquarters of domus magazine by December 10, 2000. The jury will keep a written record of its meetings and its opinion is unappealable.

Art. 6 - The results and their publication
The winner will be informed by telegram, registered mail or similar personal means; in addition, his or her name will be made public at the press conference called for the occasion. The competition will be considered terminated when the prize has been awarded; the winning design and some of the other submissions will appear in an article in one issue of domus.

Art. 7 - The award
First prize will consist in, while observing the regulations concerning foreigners working and residing in Germany, the following: a twelve-month internship at BMW AG's Munich International Design Department. Accomodation and living expenses during the period of the intership will be provided for by BMW AG.

Art. 8 - Intellectual property
The authors of the submissions will retain the sole intellectual property rights for the material created by them. By taking part in the competition, they authorize Editoriale Domus S.p.A. and BMW Italia S.p.A. - without recompense - to display the designs during exhibitions and events regarding the communication of the competition. Moreover, the submitted designs can be utilized in any publication the organizers feel necessary and/or opportune, including for advertising purposes.

Art. 9 - Returning the submitted material
Except for the competition winner, the material will be returned to the authors within 24 months of the conclusion of the competition.

Art. 10 - Safeguarding privacy
The personal information supplied at the time of submission will be handled by Editoriale Domus S.p.A. and BMW Italia S.p.A. only in order to permit the analysis and evaluation of the designs. They can only be communicated to third parties for closely related purposes and disseminated during the publication specified in Art. 8 above. In accordance with Law 675/96 (Safeguarding People and Other Subjects in the Processing of Personal Data), the participants will be explicitly requested to allow their personal information to be processed. Said permission is optional, yet it is needed in order to take part in the competition.

Art. 11 - Competent law
The competition will be governed by Italian law. For any controversy that should arise concerning the carrying out of the competition the Milan Court will be competent.

Art. 12 - Obtaining more information
Further information and advice on preparing the material to be sent can be found at the Web site or the following e-mail address:




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International Competitions Network
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