Journal of Architectural Education

Type: Open
Registration Deadline: January 31, 2001
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2001
Open to: All
Entry Fee: None
Awards: Publication in JAE
Jury: JAE Design Committee

Thematic Design Call: Building Speculations
The Journal of Architectural Education invites submissions of design work and teaching that engage full-scale construction for critical, speculative purposes. Innovative design-build projects in the school setting, temporary or permanent installations that explore or challenge ideas of site and program, and other forms of creative work wherein 1:1 construction forms an integral part of a process of architectural inquiry are welcomed. The editors are particularly interested in work that illuminates or challenges traditional thinking about studio pedagogy, about the processes of architectural work, and/or about the experiences of occupancy, use, and temporality in architecture. Submissions should clearly demonstrate their contribution to any of these discussions in the graphic documentation and supporting written explanation. Alternative strategies for the presentation of this work -- interviews and other forms of collaborations between designers and critics, writers, or scholars -- are welcomed.

Submission requirements: 
1. One portfolio of the project in 8.5" x 11" bound format. Supporting text (1000 words max.) should clearly and succinctly outline the project's critical framework, explain the visual material, and provide a critical evaluation of the results. Graphic material should be selected for black and white reproduction. 
2. Seven copies of a provisional layout for the project, assuming a four-page, black-and-white format (final layouts of accepted submissions are worked out with Design Editor). This sample layout will be sent out to the review panel in advance of the Design Jury. It also serves to give a sense of how the project may be presented in more finite form.
3. Seven copies of the supporting text. (Not required if this text is already included in the layout copies noted in requirement #2).
4. A separate cover letter containing the names of the faculty member(s), students, institution, address, phone/fax numbers, and email address. No identification of designers whatsoever should appear on the submission. 
5. Digital file(s) of the sample layout and text (PDF file format preferred). Digital portfolio images would also be welcomed.

Label the submission package "Design: Building Speculations" and send to: Howard Smith, Managing Editor, JAE, PO Box 29276, Los Angeles, 90029-0276.

For more information or to register, contact:
Howard Smith, Managing Editor
PO Box 29276
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0276




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