The International Award for Architecture Francesco Borromini is sponsored by the city of Rome. It is open to architects from all over the world whose works, at the time and in the context of their realization, have best interpreted the demands of the contemporary world as well as the needs of our collective life, helping humanitys civil and cultural growth. 

The Borromini Award is a biennial competition. Prizes are awarded in two categories: the Borromini Award and the Borromini Award for Young Architects. 

The Borromini Award aims at awarding architects whose works, thanks to their international appraisal, have helped foster the values embodied in the Award. 

The Borromini Award for Young Architects aims at promoting works which were designed and realised by young architects (less than 41 years old) and which, being strongly oriented toward research and experimentation, have helped foster the values embodied in the Award. 

The Borromini Award consists of a money prize worth 200 Million Lire and 100 Million Lire for the Junior Section as well as a trophy specially realized by Bulgari, one for each section. 

The two Juries are composed of a number of major figures of international renown. 

Jean Baudrillard, Luciano Benetton, Jean Louis Cohen, Zaha Hadid, Paolo Portoghesi and Richard Rogers are the six Jurys Members of the Borromini Award. Chaired by Francesco Rutelli, the Jury will examine entries that each member will bring to everyones else attention. That is an entry for each member of the Jury as well as six other entries submitted by a number of major figures belonging to the world of culture and of the Institutions connected to the competition: Ann-José Arlot, Pavillon Arsenal, Paris, Giorgio Ciucci, Accademia di San Luca, Rome, Massimiliano Fuksas, Department of Architecture of the Biennale di Venezia, Adolfo Guzzini, INARCH, Augusto Morello, Triennale di Milano, Laura Adriana Olivetti, Fondazione Olivetti. 

The Borromini Award for Young Architects is awarded by a Jury composed of Shigeru Ban, Francesco Dal Co, Javier Mariscal, Carme Pinos and chaired by Domenico Cecchini. 

Jurys members will take into account the research work made by 30 Advisors, scattered all over the world, whose aim is to submit three entrants each to the Borromini Award for Young Architects. Each Advisor can suggest an entrant to the Jury of the Borromini Award. 

From India to the United States, from New Zealand to Slovenia, From Italy to Brazil, from France to the United Kingdom, Egypt and Portugal, these figures will single out the works worth receiving the prize, eventually appointing the winner of the competition. 

This is an invaluable task which will not be lost. The works selected will be made part of an Archive where they can be stored and made available to readers. 

That same Archive will host the works of those architects who, meeting the criteria of the competition, wish to submit an entry to the Award Contest. Anyone can bring his work to the attention of the Advisors of the Borromini Award for Young Architects, asking to be registered in the Suggestions Archive. 

Entries to the Borromini Award must arrive at the Award Office no later than January 20, 2001. On march 8-9, 2001 the Jury will meet in Rome to appoint the winner of the First Edition. 

The Borromini Award for Young Architects will have a different schedule: 

registrations to the Suggestions Archive must be submitted no later than December 31, 2000; entries must be submitted no later than January 31, 2001. 

On March 8-9, 2001 the Jury will meet in Rome to select the six finalists among the candidates suggested by the Advisors. 

Subsequently, on May 10-11, 2001 the Jury will meet again in Rome to appoint the award winner. 

In establishing the Borromini International Award for Architecture, on the 4th centennial anniversary of that great architects birth, the City of Rome pays tribute not only to the extraordinary work of a genius, who is considered to be the inventor of Baroque as well as the author of some of
the most relevant works of art of the city, but also to his ability to foresee a number of new trends which have deeply transformed his own epoch. 

The Borromini Award is an important means to foster a number of values shared by whole generations. It is also a search, throughout the world, for those thoughts and ideas which, once realized, have helped build a common identity where the relationship between Man and the Environment might find a new balance. 

Honorary Patrons of the International Award for Architecture Francesco Borromini: 
Walter Schwimmer, Secretary General of the Council of Europe 
Viviane Reding, European Commission, Head of the Division for Education and Cultural Affairs 

The Francesco Borromini International Award for Architecture is held under the auspices of the: 
Presidency of the European Parliament 
Presidency of the Republic of Italy 
Italian National Commission, UNESCO 
Presidency of the Senate of the Republic of Italy 
Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Italy 
Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy 
Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Italy 
Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Italy




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