SIGRADI is the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphic and joins architects, designers and artists related to new media like a counterpart of similar organizations in Europe (ECAADE), North-America (ACADIA) and Asia/Oceania (CAADRIA). The society organizes an annual congress to discuss the last applications and possibilities of graphic technologies, with the participation of international specialists. The Congresses of SIGRADI has been organized since 1997 in Buenos Aires, 1998 in Mar del Plata, 1999 in Montevideo and 2000 in Rio de Janeiro. The next one will be held at 21-23 of November, 2001, in Concepción, Chile, organized by Universidad del Bío-Bío. Concepción is the second largest city of Chile, with a long universitary tradition and located in the southest coast of Pacific Ocean, close to beaches, rivers, lakes and mountains, whose gives a wonderful natural surround for the cultural development.

We call to participate in this activity and present works about professional activities, computer developments, exercises of students, pedagogic experiences, collaborative networks, research projects or theoretical reflections, ended or in-progress, that contributes in architecture, urbanism, sustainable environment, industrial design, graphic design, interior design, virtual environments, landscape, animation, art or multimedia, using digital systems. 

To present works it must send an abstract before May 10th. 2001 through the website of Congress. The abstract can be written in spanish, portuguese or english, with a maximum of 400 words, including at the beginning the title, authors and address or e-mail for response, besides of thematic subjects.

Optionally, it can attach till two images or documents, with a total amount of 200 kb without identification of authors. The abstracts will be blind-review by an international scientific committee to evaluate its publication and/or presentation in different ways.

Major information write to or review the website

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