

european student ideas competition

metamorphosis of psychiatric space 
the Belle-Idée site in Genève

The University of Geneva's Institute of Architecture (IAUG) and the HUG Belle-Idée Cultural Affairs Department, in partnership with the Département Cantonal de l'Aménagement, de l'Equipement et du Logement (DAEL), the city of Geneva (VdG) and Eternit S.A., are organising an ideas competition relating to the development of the site of the psychiatric hospital of Geneva, known as Belle-Idée.

The metamorphosis of psychiatric space is the theme of this year's ideas competition, entitled "intra muros - extra muros, metamorphosis of psychiatric space". It invites students to examine the potential and future of this site on the basis of its different components (hospital, human, landscape, functional) and to consider their interaction and interrelationships in the knowledge that this theme embodies a problem of psychiatric architecture common to many European cities.

Issues and constraints involved
This competition focuses on resolving the concrete problems currently facing the Belle-Idée estate. Located in a border zone, midway between town and country, the site is formed from urban areas which have been in the service of psychiatry since the turn of the century. It is currently in a critical period of its history as a result of changes in psychiatry and its therapeutic resources. This modification is the outcome of new dynamics in the field of psychiatry which seek a closer relationship with the town. 

How should we deal with the confrontation inherent in a space which wishes to open up but which must, at the same time, remain closed? This desire to open up means that the site must become part of active urban networks promoting exchange and sharing between open and closed space, public and private space and recreational and therapeutic spaces. Even while preserving the unity of the Belle-Idée estate and respecting its identity as a work testifying to hospital architecture, there are any number of ways of taking full advantage of its existing features and facilities and breathing new life into the intervening spaces.

How should the natural environment be made to play a role in therapy? The aim of therapy is to help people to feel better, to situate themselves in space, time and the world of objects and to succeed in modifying and harmonising the way in which they conduct their relationships with other people. Nature appeals to the body, the spirit and the senses (sensation, perception, memory, etc.). The body's experience and its fluidity in an environment boasting a great diversity of settings may, through an awakening of the senses, have a therapeutic value and help patients to relax and unwind.

The site affords us an opportunity to work with natural elements such as water. The estate is faced with the need to control the surface rainwater which flows into the River Seymaz. This flow has to be canalised, stored and regulated. What, at first sight, seems to be a purely technical project can, in actual fact, stimulate creativity if we consider the importance of water in our daily lives.

How should the most be made of the existing features, facilities and layout of the site and of the living memory of its history, all of which could give rise to ideas for projects on the basis of the revitalisation of border spaces? This competition suggests that these intermediary areas should be explored to disclose their latent identities and stimulate the development of pleasant, attractive spaces. The aesthetic quality of the limit predisposes us to an awareness of tensions and conflicts and helps to resolve or sublimate them.

The competition addresses the problems raised by the site, together with its qualities, potential uses and the new urban qualities which are waiting to be disclosed and turned to advantage. The wide range of different people who live in this place on both a permanent and semi-permanent basis (patients, medical and service staff, teachers, students, farmers, gardeners...) or who pass through it occasionally (patients' families, visitors, people out walking...) should be borne in mind. The ideas born of this competition should tackle these real-world issues, spark off a debate and open up leads for their development.

This competition represents not only a challenge for architecture students, who will be faced with a complex site, but also an opportunity to initiate and foster a public debate on the future of the psychiatric hospital of Geneva.

To enhance the value of this care centre and reassess site space. Which elements can contribute to a metamorphosis of this site? 
In order to open this site up onto the surrounding area, great importance must be paid to the notions of passage, threshold and limits. How could this area be appropriated in the light of a change in our perception of the delimitations of psychiatric space? 
To enhance the identity of the site through small-scale intervention. Which intervention strategy should be advocated to link the above elements to the water, vegetation, ground, light and buildings? 
1. The site
This site, characterised by ongoing transformation and its position at the gateway to Geneva, invites us to imagine the key elements in managing both integration and exchange. The site affords us the opportunity to work with intermediary spaces and to enhance their landscaped and functional quality. Site activities have to be stepped up and become more wide-ranging and a transition has to be made from mono-functionality to multi-functionality, with expression given to an original vision of the site in line with its new uses. 

2. Boundaries
Two seemingly opposite poles, but which, in actual fact, complement one another are what give this site its intrinsic value: its openness on the one hand and its value as private space on the other. Participants are invited to identify and deal with the various situations (objects, places, paths), which could turn boundaries, passages and thresholds to good account. Projects should take into consideration the apparent contradiction in "opening up" a psychiatric space.

3. Water, vegetation and ground
Water, vegetation, ground and light are the representative elements of any site. How can these elements be used to improve the quality of hospital life (to foster contact, communication, well-being and rest)? By showing the different scales involved and paying great attention to details of street furniture, the signposting system and access control features, the project will thus achieve these purposes.

Site delimitation
The Belle-Idée site, located to the east of Geneva, lies on the outskirts of the city in the communes of Chêne-Bourg and Thônex, with the countryside on its doorstep. It is bordered by the River Seymaz to the north and surrounded by small woods.

Assessment criteria
The jury will judge participants' work on the basis of the following criteria:

the monitoring of site boundaries and exchanges with the surrounding area 
the spatial quality of the proposal, in particular the value attached to human relations 
the relationship with water, vegetation and the treatment of the ground 
the originality of the ideas 


The Competition is open to 
- Students from any architecture or landscape architecture school/college based in Europe, including Switzerland. 
- Students must be at least in their 3rd year of studies and must not have graduated yet at the time they register for the Competition. 
- The Competition is also open to students in their last two years of study at a Swiss Ecole Technique Supérieure or Haute Ecole Spécialisée. 
- Students can participate alone or in a team. Each team will choose a contact person (the team leader) for the relations with the Competition secretariat.
- Students who have already graduated and are currently engaged in postgraduate studies may join teams which are otherwise made up of participants who satisfy the conditions set out above. Postgraduate students may not be team leaders. 
- Pluridisciplinary collaboration with students of other disciplines is strongly advised (doctors, psychiatrists, 
psychologists, sociologists, economists, geographers, botanists, artists, etc.).

Assessment criteria
The jury will judge participants' work on the basis of the following criteria:

the monitoring of site boundaries and exchanges with the surrounding area 
the spatial quality of the proposal, in particular the value attached to human relations 
the relationship with water, vegetation and the treatment of the ground 
the originality of the ideas 
Documents furnished 
Competition Programme, Documentation, Rules, Personal identification form, Photographs and Plans: 
1. Aerial photograph of the site 
2. Detailed aerial photographs 
3. Site photographs 
4. Site location map: 1:2,500 
5. Vectorised cadastral map: 1:1,000 
6. Ground floor plans 
7. Overall site map (showing use of buildings) 
8. Vegetation study 
9. Hydrological map 
10. Core boring study 
11. Plans, sections and façades of the buildings: 1:200 
12. Climatic data 
13. Catchment basin project 
14. Geneva public transportation map 
15. Historic map showing the expansion of Geneva 

Documents for submission
Three boards (A1 landscape format) + one text (Word format) on diskette

Board 1
Board illustrating the general philosophy and overall strategy for the estate (scale of 1:2,500), corresponding to the development of the site and explaining the treatment of the open space and the new multi-functional options open to Belle-Idée. 

Board 2
Board illustrating the development of the open space, defining an element of street furniture and showing the treatment of significant details (any scale). 

Board 3
"Open" board to be used as candidates wish. 

A sealed envelope containing your completed personal identification form must be enclosed with the boards. Please write "personal identification form" and the name of your project on this envelope.

A text, not exceeding 400 words, written in one of the following languages: French, English, German, Italian or Spanish. Use the language with which you are most familiar and make sure that you check your text carefully before submitting it. The diskette, together with a printout of the text on an A4 sheet, should be enclosed in a separate envelope from the one containing your personal identification form. Please write "descriptive text" and the title of your project on this envelope. 

Presentation of the boards
Competition participants shall remain anonymous until judging is complete. The competition title "intra muros - extra muros, metamorphosis of psychiatric space, the Belle-Idée site in Geneva" and a project title chosen by the participant must be marked on each board, the packaging in which they are sent and on both envelopes. Boards will not be returned to participants after the exhibition. Candidates are free to choose the type of presentation they wish for their boards (sketch, photograph, printout, computer graphics, etc.), but all boards must be in A1 landscape format. Additional boards will not be accepted. Designs must be sufficiently clear and intelligible for subsequent inclusion in the planned black-and-white catalogue. Documents may be rolled up, but must not be folded. To make the task of judging the competition and preparing the subsequent exhibition and publication easier, the organisers wish to insist that A1 landscape format be used for all boards and that a maximum of three boards be submitted. The text accompanying each project, which will be enlarged and laid out by the organisers, will be displayed on a separate panel next to the boards. It will also be included in the catalogue. It is not, therefore, absolutely necessary for this text to be included on the boards. If, however, for reasons of aesthetics or clarity, you wish to incorporate text on your boards (i.e., the same text, an excerpt or an additional text), please make sure that you use font 16 or over to ensure that it will still be legible when the boards are reduced for inclusion in the competition catalogue.

Deadline and location for receipt of entries
All projects must reach the competition secretariat by 27 April at the very latest. Participants intending to send boards from abroad are advised to make sure that they allow sufficient time for them to reach the competition secretariat by the 27 April deadline. Boards which arrive after 27 April will be considered to have missed the deadline and will not be examined by the jury.

Members of the jury 

Mr. Pierre Riboulet, architect, Paris. 
Prof. François Ferrero, head of the HUG Department of Psychiatry; 
Mr. François Taillard, director of the HUG Département d'Exploitation; 
Mrs. Michèle Trieu, head of PPS (Pluri-Professionnels de la Santé), HUG Department of Psychiatry; 
Mrs. Christiane Langlois, head of the Nursing Department, HUG Department of Psychiatry; 
Mr. Jacques Bœsch, head of the HUG Belle-Idée Cultural Affairs Department; 
Mr. Dominik Meyer, head of the University and Hospital Constructions Service, DAEL (Département de l'Aménagement, de l'Equipement et du Logement), Canton of Geneva; 
Mr. Michel Ruffieux, architect and director of the city of Geneva's Division de l'Aménagement, des Constructions et de la Voirie; 
Mr. Samuel Tramaux, assistant marketing director of Eternit S.A.; 
Mr. Donato Severo, architect and lecturer in the IAUG postgraduate course "Architecture and Applied Arts - Health"; 
Mr. Fernando Ramos, architect and lecturer in the IAUG postgraduate course "Architecture and Applied Arts - Health"; 
Mr. Cyrus Mechkat, architect and lecturer at the University Institute of Development Studies (IUED), Geneva; 
Mrs. Caroline Thuillier, IAUG student 

Mr. Jean-François Grange, assistant to the coordinating nurse, HUG Department of Psychiatry; 
Mrs. Daniela Menéndez, architect; 
Mr. Paolo Amaldi, IAUG assistant. 
The jury will meet to deliberate on 11 and 12 May 2001
The results will be available on the Internet as from 15 June (the day following their announcement at the exhibition opening).

Exhibition and publication of the projects
The organisers undertake to disseminate all projects submitted to the jury by means of an exhibition in Geneva and a bilingual publication.


Secrétariat du concours / Competition secretariat
Institut d'Architecture de l'Université de Genève
Concours: intra muros - extra muros
7 route de Drize, CH - 1227 Genève - Carouge


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