

international ideas competition for architecture students

As the premise of the city is increasingly ubiquitous, it becomes difficult to find that which constitutes its minimal identity. Proposed here is a definition that qualifies the city not as a thing, but rather an action. That action would be the alleviation of scarCITY. The city then is a mechanism that attempts to address the frustration of scarCITY: of food and water, of resources, of amenity and of potential. This observation, in its vagueness, accounts for all urban transformation as the city attempts to calibrate itself to emerging need. scarCITY then is never in a moment of stasis; the perfect equilibrium of plentitudes never an achievable state. The momentary adequacy of one quality simply presupposes the lack of another. scarCITY, sits in-between the fatigue of past attempts, and the possibility of future change, but is always pressed with the urgency of the now. 
Understood as a transformation to address ever-shifting desires, scarCITY is the engine of change, but it is an invisible engine, not conducive to overt formalization. scarCITY, in its development is increasingly less susceptible to being understood by geometric means. To avoid this consistent futility, and in the face of quantitative and qualitative flux, we ask the architect to surrender a belief in the last remaining trope of the profession: the proposal. Continuing the logic of the Tank brief from last year, we suggest another negation of mastery, last year was "space", this year "form." 

I think that you have done architects a disservice to ask for an architectural project. It would perhaps have been more of a challenge if you asked architects to manifest themselves in Tank. If you had said ten pages, you would have liberated architects from one of the principle forms of expression and imprisonment.
Rem Koolhaas, jurors' comments from Tank magazine Architecture Prize 2000

Offer us a practice of the city, which takes as its starting point the city widely considered. Over the course of five spreads [each spread = 560mm x 350mm] develop the mechanism of scarCITY outlined above. Selected entries will be published in Tank 5.

Rem Koolhaas, Saskia Sassen, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Micheal Landy, Paul Smith and Damon Almond

first: £5000
special mention: £1000

The competition is open to all architectural students and those graduates with less than one year post RIBA part 2 experience (or equivalent).

The competition is open to all architectural students and those graduates with less than one year post RIBA part 2 experience (or equivalent).

Application forms can be obtained by a faxed request from: +44.20.79165264

Attach the completed registration card with number to the back of your submission and either bring it or mail it to the address supplied. (this applies also to joint submissions)

The online registration is temporarily unavaliable. Please email your details (name, email, address, & telephone number) to:  

You will recieve confirmation of your entry via email within three workingdays. If you tried registering online before the 1st of April and you have not yet recieved confirmation, please re-register. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Entries must never have been made public in any form previously.
Applicants retain copyright on submissions, but Tank and the sponsor of the competition retain all rights relating to the publications and exhibition of the prize-winning entries.


All entries must be received at the address below no later then 6pm,
May 17th 2001
(Mail, FED EX, DHL etc. are all acceptable)
Please retain a copy as entries can not be returned.

The winner will be announced and published in Tank 5.
The winner and other selected entries will be exhibited on 


58 Frith Street
London W1V 5TA
United Kingdom


Jenny Jones with John McMorrough.

Web site:
Joakim Dahlquist

Gravestone concept and photography:
Mike Heath and Rebecca Brown


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International Competitions Network
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