

Shikenchiku-sha Ltd.

Type: Open
Registration Deadline: July 23, 2001
Submission Deadline: July 23, 2001
Open to: All
Entry Fee: None
Awards: Yen 3.000.000 Total
Jury: Toyo Ito, Tetsuo Naito, Masaru Okamoto, Itsuko Hasegawa, Riken Yamamoto, Kengo Kuma and Norihisa Yamamoto

This year's competition theme, "Glass House 2001", was also the theme for the 25th competition in 1990. In 1990, the Japanese economy was at its pinnacle, showing no signs that foreshadowed the collapse of the "Bubble Economy", which began to take place in November 1991. It was believed that the 21st century, ten years ahead, would be a bright and prosperous era. The United States had just emerged from a long economic depression, and was beginning to experience new prosperity. In Europe, the decade, which started with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, was a time of turmoil, struggling with various problems of the EC Unification.

In the midst of this, we asked to recall how Philip Johnson's "Glass House" had pioneered the path of current architecture, and to propose a "Glass House" that was appropriate for the upcoming century, taking into consideration technological developments in structure, mechanics, and plumbing, as well as environmental problems that were finally becoming addressed.

However, the situation changed abruptly. On one hand the state of our civilization and culture is being questioned in light of the time span of one thousand years, a millennium. In the scope of global environmentalism, problems caused by the existence of mankind are surfacing from various angles. Most importantly, the variety in family types has increased due to changes in the social environment to an extent that was not anticipated ten years ago. In addition to the growing diversity in living arrangements, such as the nuclear family, the extended family, and living alone, the degree of variations in types of lifestyles has also grown so that standards and prototypes are becoming useless. Moreover, the future no longer appears to be bright, but is considered even to be uncertain.

However, because we exist in such an era, is it not the role of an architect as a specialist of the field to examine and to propose a lifestyle and dwelling in anticipation of the new century? In "Glass House 2001", we are looking for proposals that focus on "forms" of living arrangements and their "containers" of the future that follows these years of upheaval.

This year is 2001. It is most likely that this is the first time for the same theme to be repeated in a series of a competition within the span of ten years. We would like you to study, with an understanding of the intent of this year's theme, a "Glass House 2001" that evokes the path towards a prosperous tomorrow.

Winners will be notified by mail; results of the competition will appear in the Volume 44 (YEAR BOOK 2001) issue of quarterly JA.

Additional Information:
-No registrations are necessary for this competition. 
-Entries must never have been made public in any form previously, nor should it be submitted simultaneously for any other competitions.
-Copyrights on the winning entries remain the property of their designers, but the sponsors of the competition retain the all rights on the announcement of these entries.
-No entries will be returned. 
-Entries will be admitted only if it appropriately observes all rules. 
-Questions will not be answered by the sponsors. All matters not covered in the regulations listed above are left to the discretion of the entrants.

Data for Application and Entry
Drawings: Plan (in any scale), section (in any scale), site plan (in any scale), and perspective. Photographs of models may be used. You are free to append detail drawing, other charts or descriptive texts that make your design clearer. Descriptive texts must be limited to less than 100 words in English.

Paper and Media:
-Complete all drawings, illustrative matters, and texts on the sheet of thick drawing paper (600 by 840mm).
-You may use blue prints, pencil, ink, color, or photographs; but do not use panels.
-On the back of your entry attach a piece of paper bearing your name, address, age, home and office telephone numbers (or fax numbers), place of occupation. All of these have to be 'typewritten' for the sake of legibility.

Mail entries to the address listed below.

For more information or to register, contact:
Dept. of Central Glass International Architectural 
Design Competition 2001,
Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.
2-31-2 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-8501, Japan

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