


competition for projects

followed by a european architectural ideas competition open to member countries of the European Union for the renovation of the old Brussels national airport terminal building and adjoining office building

1./ Organizer

Brussels International Airport Company (BIAC)
A limited liability company under public law
Brussels National Airport - 1930 Zaventem (Belgium)

For further particulars: see point 13.

2./ Project description

The project is to renovate the old terminal building and the adjoining office building constructed during the 1950s (architects: Maxime Brunfaut, Georges Bontinck and Jos Moutschen). The terminal renovation must not in any way impinge on the functions essential to the smooth running of the airport. The control tower on top of the adjacent office building and access to the railway station must be maintained. The original centralized design must be kept and the renovation plans must blend harmoniously into the built environment constructed in accordance with the master plan drawn up for the site as a whole such as to form a coherent and controlled whole.

3./ Type of competition: open

The competition is open to all project developers in member countries of the European Union who are authorized to carry on the profession of architect in their country. The arrangement selected is an interest call followed by a two-stage design competition. At the outcome of the first stage, the judging panel will deliberate and not more than five prizewinners will be invited to take part in the second stage of the competition, which will culminate in the award of a first prize by the same panel of judges.

4./ Dates

16 November 2001: Final date for entry applications to be received by the Organizer.
30 November 2001: Final date for the Organizer to send out entry application forms and the competition rules to applicants.
21 December 2001: Final date for entry application forms and entry fees to be received by the Organizer.
18 January 2002: Organizer sends out the documents provided for and described in the competition rules.
28 February 2002: Entrants send in the documents provided for and described in the competition rules.

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6./ Participants

The competition is open to all project developers in member countries of the European Union who are authorized to carry on the profession of architect in their country.

7./ Criteria by which projects are judged

• Selection criteria applied at the judging panel’s first session

-Compliance with the master plan guidelines
-Architectural and urban planning quality of the sketches supplied by participants
-The written statement of the aesthetic, functional, operational and technological choices made (2 A4 pages maximum)
-Internal work organization capabilities

• Selection criteria for the first prize applied to prizewinners at the judging panel’s second session

-Compliance with planning and scheduling
-Integration into the master plan
-Aesthetic, functional and organizational aspects of the overall project
-Type of relationship with the built environment
-Ability to keep within the maximum overall budget of 125 million euros
-Ability to produce studies and plans to deadline
-Ability to apply effective and sustainable energy and materials efficiency measures

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9./ Decision of the judging panel

The judging panel’s decision is not binding.

10./ Premium payments

The Organizer will invite the prizewinners (not more than five) to submit a project for which they will be paid fees based on an overall budget of 60,000 euros to be apportioned between them.

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12./ Additional contracts

The designers of prizewinning projects are permitted receive additional contracts.

13./ Further particulars

• How to register

Once the competition is open, applicants should send by 16 November 2001 at the latest to the Competition Secretary:

Ms Diane Hennebert
Avenue Ducpétiaux 121
B-1060 Brussels
Tel.: 32 2 534 60 85 - Fax: 32 2 537 43 24 - Email: hennebert@skynet.be 

- an entry application, typewritten on unstamped paper, stating name, first name, nationality, address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, and choice of language (English, French or Dutch).

The entry fee is 125 euros to be paid all charges at payer’s cost by bank transfer into the Organizer’s account number 210-0052650-31 with the communication “European architectural ideas competition”.

• Competition languages: English, French, Dutch

The language chosen by entrants from among these three languages, as indicated on their entry applications, will be used for all correspondence and drawing up documents by the entrant and prizewinners.

14./ Date notice sent out:

15./ Date notice to be received: To be filled in by the O.O.P.E.C.

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