


Rome Architects Association, within the cultural project "La Primavera dell'Architettura"and together with XPSPACE.NET, is pleased to announce an Ideas International Consultation on line whose objective is to foster, collect and spread projects and ideas for Rome.

Rome Architects Association, within the cultural project "La Primavera dell'Architettura"and together with XPSPACE.NET, is pleased to announce an Ideas International Consultation on line whose objective is to foster, collect and spread projects and ideas for Rome.
The Consultation is open to architects, students of architecture, artists, web designers and to all those who, within their field of activity, are interested in expressing and communicating, alone or in groups, their own ideas about the urban area of Rome.
Internet, as we all know, is the most suitable place where people can exchange ideas, projects and opinions and where new researches can be spread and studied.
The Consultation is conceived as an on line Expo. It gives participants the opportunity to use a multi-media laboratory where people belonging to different disciplines can publish ideas or projects by means of words, images, animations and videos in order to create a valuable collection of suggestions about Rome.
This initiative aims at creating a permanent observatory on Rome that, through other events, will lead to further reflections and exchanges on this theme. The result will be a dynamic and changing picture of the urban reality.

In order to publish partecipants projects, XPSpace gives to partecipants a 3 MB virtual disk (Vdisk).
Each partecipant, will receive "Login"and "Password" to access to his own Vdisk.
Registration is free.
To access to Vdisk, partecipants need an internet access and a browser.
Partecipants can reach it from their own desktop too
- Windows 95 users, upgrading to Internet Explorer 5.5
- Windows 98 e 2000 users, can access through Webfolder utility
- Macintosh and Linux users, installing software from http://www.webdav.org.
Partecipants will pubblish their projects as html pages containing current digital formats such as: jpg, gif, swf, vrml e mov etc. Home file has to be named "home.htm". External links are not allowed.
Partecipants access, Vdisk configuration, privileges definitions are by consultation organization.
After deadline (03/19/2002), Vdisk users accounts will be disconnected and projects will be publicly online.


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