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A book was published recently, called, in translation: The Film as Prayer, by the Romanian film critic, Elena Dulgheru. It is a book on Andrei Tarkovski. And it is this book, and its title, that made us think to launch another competition, called: A House for Andrei Tarkovski.

What was the cosmology of the great Russian director? What was his understanding of life and what were his intuitions vis-à-vis the complex relationship: Earth / Sky?

If such a title was imagined: The Film as Prayer, maybe we could imagine similar titles (and lines of thought / action): Art as Prayer, Music as Prayer, Architecture as Prayer, Love (even) as Prayer, Life as Prayer.

How would "an architecture as prayer" look like? Could we even imagine something like this, now? What kind of prayer? Towards whom, and what for?

Around these themes one can think a lot and perhaps inspired by the great movies of Andrei Tarkovski, new (old) horizons of thought and feeling might await us& But in order for these horizons to "await" us, we must imagine them first and then move towards them.

This is exactly what we are inviting you to do:

Imagine a House for Andrei Tarkovski, a house that the main character in The Sacrifice might hesitate to burn down, inasmuch as the "prophet" of dark messages in Nostalgia might postpone to leave behind, attracted, fatally, by the same purging qualities of fire, this time directed towards himself.

In other words, what kind of house (home) might influence the pilot of a high speed bomber, change his mind? Could we call such a house, a House for Andrei Tarkovski?

As with A House for Durer, we invite you to submit work for an exhibition and possible publication. You are free to use any format you like, any medium you find appropriate to express your ideas. Remember that your participation will increase, even if slightly, the chance that architecture will become again part (if not a major part) of a culture that will refuse to be marginalized: by the ubiquity of capitalism, so sure of itself, by hatred and by war.

Please send your works by February 15th, 2003 at the following address:
Ordinul Arhitectilor din Romania Filiala Sibiu-Valcea
Str. Tribunei nr. 6
2400 Sibiu
Tel/fax: (040) 269 215251
E-mail: oarsib@rdslink.ro

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