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All-Russian Open Architectural Competition with International Participation for a Draft Project of a Country House

1.Competition Programme.

1.1. Competition Purposes.
The cardinal transformations of the political, economical and social conditions of life in Russia occurring during the last decades have in many respects changed the traditional views on the system of settling and on environmental, ecological, energy and urban planning problems. They called for new types of buildings and facilities that were not being developed before now.
An individual dwelling house for one family - a county private mansion in the outskirts of a Megapolis - is now the main building block of highly comfortable representative settlements that are simultaneously emerging today in the Moscow suburbs like an outbreak.
A half-spontaneous building up in the vicinities of Moscow that was going on since the 1980s is now giving way to more reasonable and weighted up urban planning solutions and to the attempts of rational forming the respectable dwelling areas, i.e., "green countryside" and satellite settlements near the Capital.
Creative searches and the completed realizations of such projects not merely demonstrate all the contradictions existing - the ideological, class and taste differences - but also present the evidence of a genre crisis of some sort. This crisis is expressed in constant duplication of the themes and directions already tested, and not many of them could perhaps be attributed to something like a feat of modern architecture.
The themes of noblemen's manor houses of XVIII - XIX centuries, of European villas and Russian "dachas" of the end of XIX - XX centuries in combination with the Soviet traditions of "model housing development" in the central farmsteads of kolkhozes and sovkhozes-"millionaires" /collective and state farms/ as well as the state dachas of "nomenclature civil servers" have constantly been used and rephrased. And this process is not of any help for designing a good quality architecture, neither for forming progressive views among the clients.
The purpose of the Competition is to stimulate professionals and students-architects' creative researches in the direction of developing the new high-tech, technically perfect, ecologically adjusted and functionally rational types of individual highly comfortable dwelling houses for one family in the countryside of the Moscow area.
The authors of the Project awarded by the First Prize will be able to put into practice their creative ideas by realizing their House in the Countryside - DOM zagoroDOM. Its building as well as the discovery of new "architectural" names in the field of projecting individual housing will become a particular result of the Competition. The promoters hope for a wide interest in this Competition among the architectural community, professional critics and mass media. The Competition results - in case of its success - will permit to make it a regular architectural event to be held once in two or three years, because the "private" architecture is the most lively and graphic reflection of its time.

1.2. General provisions:
1.Organizer /promoter/ of the Competition: the Union of Architects of Russia /UAR/.
2.This is a one-stage all-Russian open architectural competition with an international participation
3. Contact data of the Competition Organizer (the UAR):
Russia 123001, Moscow, Granatni pereulok, 22
Tel. +7-095-790-3646; +7-095-291-5578;
Fax. +7-095-202-8101;
E-mail: mail@domzagorodom.ru

1.3. The main tasks of the Competition are:
1. Development of a project for a country house that will correspond in the best way to the new type of individual dwelling houses of high comfort for one family in the Moscow area.
2. Development of the project proposals answering to the most appropriate and optimal usage of the territory with a careful attitude to the existing landscape.

2. Competition Conditions

2.1. Architects and students of architectural high schools are eligible for participation in the Competition.

2.2. The following persons are not eligible for participation in the Competition:
members of the Competition Organizing Committee;
members of the Jury;
associates or employees of any design company which is under the leadership of an Organizing Committee member or a Competition Jury member.

2.3. Registration procedure.
The competitors should fill in the Registration Forms and pass them to the Competition Organizer (the UAR) to the following address: The Union of Architects of Russia Russia 123001, Moscow, Granatni pereulok, 22. The Union of Architects of Russia Russia 123001, Moscow, Granatni pereulok, 22 Or send them by E-mail: mail@domzagorodom.ru. The Registration Forms are available at the web-site: www.domzagorodom.ru. They could also be received on inquiry through the E-mail: mail@domzagorodom.ru. Any questions could be answered by tel. +7-095-790-3646; +7-095-291-5578;

The deadline for sending the Registration Forms is October 1, 2003 (inclusively) by mail, fax or e-mail.

The deadline for sending the Registration Forms is October 1, 2003 (inclusively) by mail, fax or e-mail.

2.4. The Organizer gives (sends) to the registered competitors the following materials:
Programme and the Conditions of the Competition
A situation plan with the adjacent territories, scale 1 :10000
A scheme of the village master-plan, scale 1 : 5000
A fragment of the scheme of the village master-plan, scale 1 : 2000
Photographs of the territory.
A guiding (basic) list of rooms and facilities of the Country House

2.5. List of the entry materials to be presented for the Competition:
Situation plan, scale 1 :10000 (including the village's borders) with a marking only for the project site that is developed for the Country House.
General plan of the project site, scale 1 : 500
Plans for all floors, scale 1 : 50
Facades and elevations, scale 1 : 50
Sections (not less than 2 of them), scale 1 : 50
Exterior perspectives (isometric views), not less than 2 of them.
Interior perspective (isometric view).
Additional graphic materials revealing the author's concept are permitted

2.6. Form of presenting the Competition entry materials: - The project proposals should be presented on the three light and rigid panels, with a thickness not more than 10 mm, of an A1 format (84,1 x 59,4 cm) and include an explanatory note of 500 words maximum. The panel composition should be vertical (taking into consideration that the panels will be combined in blocks along their long side). An identification envelope should be enclosed with all the necessary data on the competitors and the names of all the project team's members. On the outside of the envelope the identification code must be written. The code includes 7 numbers (2 cm high) up to the choice of the Competitor. The same code must be written on each of the A1 format panels submitted and it will be the only identification sign on the panels.
The Competitions projects must be submitted to the Competition Organizer (the UAR) not later than at 18.00 on November 17, 2003 to the address:
The Union of Architects of Russia
Russia 123001, Moscow, Granatni pereulok, 22.

The deadline for sending the Competition materials by mail is the November 17th, 2003 (inclusively), on the assumption of receiving them at the Organizing Committee not later than November 24th, 2003.

2.7. Anonymity:In order to keep the anonymity, the Competition Secretariat will register the arriving projects as soon as they become available and give each of them a new serial number that must hide the identification code chosen by the competitor, both: on the panels and on the identification envelope. Then the identification envelopes must be deposited for keeping to the Competition Organizing Committee. These envelopes will be kept in the Organizing Committee till the announcement of the final results of the Competition.

2.8. Prizes.
The Competition Jury will award 6 prizes to the projects submitted for the Competition:
One - First Prize 20 000 USD (in Rubles).
Two - Second Prizes 10 000 USD (in Rubles) each
Three - Incentive Prizes 5 000 USD (in Rubles) each

The competition projects submitted not on term are not estimated by the Competition Jury

2.9. The Customer assumes an obligation to realize the Project awarded by the First Prize, using it for construction of a Country House and to conclude a contract for developing the project documentation with the authors of this Project.

2.10. In case of the Customer not being able to fulfil his obligations according to the paragraph 2.9 - including those beyond his control - the Customer pays a compensation of 10 000 USD (in Rubles) to the authors team who has won the First Prize.

2.11. The copyright of the awarded projects as well as for all the other projects belong to their authors. Nevertheless, the Competition Organizers /promoters/ reserve to themselves the right for publishing these projects if they consider it necessary.
The drawings and plans of the winners' projects are not returned back.

2.12. Return of Competition works: All the Competition materials - except for the awarded projects - will be returned to the competitors during the 2 months period after the announcement of the Competition results (if such appeals are received by the Organizing Committee of the Competition).

3. Competition Jury

Chairman of the Jury A. Bokov First Vice-president of the Union of Architects of Russia (UAR), /Moscow/
Jury Members: E. Asse First Vice-president of the Union of Moscow Architects (UMA), /Moscow/
V. Borisov Chairman of the Directors Committee of ZAO "AGROIMPEX" /Moscow/
James McAdam "McAdam Architects" /London/
E. Gherasimov Chief of the "E.L. Gerasimov Architectural Studio" /St. Petersburg/
B. Goldhoorn Editor-in-Chief of the "Project Russia" magazine /Moscow - Amsterdam/
E. Grigoryeva Board Chairperson of the Irkutsk organization of the UAR /Irkutsk/
Ju. Grigorjan Director of the "Project Meganom" Architectural Studio /Moscow/
S. Malakhov Senior lecturer of the Urban planning Department in the Samara Architectural-Construction Academy /Samara/
E. Pestov Director of the OOO "Kharitonov & Pestov Creative Architectural Studio" attached to the Nizhny Novgorod organization of the UAR /Nizhny Novgorod/
A. Frolov Architect-in-Chief of the Moscow region /Moscow/
Executive Secretary of the Jury Elena Selivanova

The Organizing Committee brings its apologies to the Competitors in connection with the changes in the list of the Jury and expresses its appreciation to Mr. James McAdam, who has accepted the invitation of the Union of Architects of Russia to work as a Jury member of the Competition "DOMzagoroDOM" /A House in the Countryside/.

4. Deadlines of the Competition

Registration of Competition participants since August 10, 2003
Delivery of the programmes and materials to the Competitors since August 10 to October 1, 2003
Deadline for posting (delivery) the projects to the UAR November 17, 2003
Organization of the Projects exhibition November 24, 2003
Expert Commission meeting November 24, 2003
Jury's selection November 26 - 27, 2003 Announcement of the Competition results November 28, 2003

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