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Against Reality


Princeton, New Jersey

Harvard Graduate School of Design
48 Quincy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

organizzato da:
Berlage Institute PhD Program

a cura di:
Wiel Arets, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Alexander D'Hooge e Roemer Van Toorn

Stan Allen, Mario Gandelsonas, Michael Hays, Sarah Whiting, George Baird, Hal Foster, Kenneth Frampton e Anthony Vidler

La Princeton School of Architecture e la Harvard Graduate School of Design ospitano il simposio Against Reality organizzato dal Berlage Institute PhD Program in collaborazione con le istituzioni statunitensi.
Durante l'evento Pier Vittorio Aureli Alexander D'Hooge e Roemer Van Toorn presenteranno il loro lavoro di ricerca svolto all'interno del programma "Phd Progressive Research".

"We have to do more than embracing what's 'just' out there, designing the everyday, and 'just' analyzing our rapidly mutating spaces. Because of its high degree of Salonfähigkeit, architecture has lost much of its urgency. Critical evaluations will not bring alternatives if we don't also take into account what kind of ideological ­ even utopian ­ projections architecture could enact through its material practices. We should ask ourselves: Can the architect project alternatives that deal with the urgent questions and issues of our civilization? Should architects take responsibility for creating a public sphere that reaches further than the principles of economic warfare? For making city centers into more than amusement parks for tourists? For uncovering landscapes that counter the culture of sprawl? To encourage activities other than shopping as the primary ritual of urban life? To define where the city ends and the countryside begins? To preserve local qualities under the pressure of globalization? Can we influence the spatial organization of a truly multicultural society? Make the formal ­ the syntax of matter ­ relate to the social again? Become projective again?"
(Dall'introduzuine al simposio "Against Reality" Wiel Arets, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Alexander D'Hooge, Roemer Van Toorn)


5 novembre
Princeton University School of Architecture

13.30 Welcome by Stan Allen and Wiel Arets
13.45 Against Reality, introduction by Roemer van Toorn
14.00 A conversation between Mario Gandelsonas and Pier Vittorio Aureli. Pier Vittorio will introduce Absolute Architecture and then Gandelsonas and Aureli go into conversation
and discussion with the audience.

15.30 A conversation between Stan Allen and Alexander D’hooghe. Alexander will introduce Symbolic Urbanism and then Allen and D’Hooghe go into conversation and discussion with the audience.

16.45 A conversation between Hal Foster and Roemer van Toorn. Roemer will introduce Radical Democracy in Architecture and then Foster and Van Toorn go into conversation and discussion with the audience.

17.30 Collective debate with all people involved.
18.30 Lecture by Wiel Arets “Clouds” on Porgressive Research and Recent Projects.

6 novembre
Harvard University GSD

18.30 Lecture by Wiel Arets “Clouds” on Porgressive Research and Recent Projects Program

7 novembre
Harvard University GSD

14.00 Introductions by Michael Hays and Wiel Arets
14.15 A conversation between Sarah Whiting and Pier Vittorio Aureli. Pier Vittorio will introduce Absolute Architecture and then Whiting and Aureli go into conversation and discussion with the audience.

15.30 A conversation between Hashim Sarkis, George Baird and Alexander D’hooghe. Alexander will introduce Symbolic Urbanism and then Baird, Sarkis and D’Hooghe go into conversation and discussion with the audience.

16.45 A conversation between Michael Hays and Roemer van Toorn. Van Toorn will introduce Radical Democracy in Architecture and then Hays and Van Toorn go into conversation and discussion with the audience.

18.00 Concluding remarks by guest critics: Whiting, Sarkis, baird, and Hays.



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