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30 Years: The European City - Review and Prospects



The congress 30 Years: The European City will throw open the topic of Urban Development into the centre of debate. This topic influences politics and economics, as well the general public. Urban Development reflects the structural transition in society, but must also meet head-on the problems of sprawl and demands for sustainability.

In 1975, the European Council initiated one of the most successful urban development programmes in history. Its motto was: "A Future for our Past". During the campaign the concept of the European city was reborn: a common inheritance that must be protected, a tradition that must be carefully developed and serve as an example for a better city, both in Eastern and Western Europe.

The congress 30 Years: The European City will examine these issues in two parts. The first part uses Berlin as an example of structural change in Urban Development; what has happened in the past and how it is adapting for the future. During the second part, projects will be presented which show what is happening internationally. The exchange of ideas and information is more important than ever, not only within but especially beyond European borders.

The congress will debate the following subjects:
What are the traditions and perspectives of European Urbanism?
How will European Urbanism continue to develop?
What are today’s trends, Best-Practice Methods and their possibilities for success or failure?

The organizer of the Congress is the Council for European Urbanism (CEU). The CEU is a European network that promotes the improvement of European urbanism through international cooperation and exchange of ideas and experience. The CEU was formed in Brussels and officially founded in Stockholm in 2003. The Council strives to improve the quality of urban design, encourages the strengthening of local identity, socially-conscious city redevelopment, and sustainable development, all within the perception of the city and region as a whole.



la sezione ARCH'IT convegni
č curata da Francesca Oddo.
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