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introduction |
La Sapienza in Rome is one of the oldest European universities and in
2003 it celebrated its 700th anniversary. La Sapienza is internationally
renowned for the wide range of faculties and degrees it offers as well
as for the size of the student and teaching body. The Faculty of Architecture
was created in 1920 and is the oldest in Italy. Besides its traditional
location in a 1920s building close to Villa Borghese, other branches
were added over the years along the Flaminio axis, North of Rome, so
as to establish a fundamental element in the northern axis of Roman
culture. The Faculty to which this course belongs is the "Prima Facoltà
Ludovico Quaroni"; the dean is Prof. Salvatore Dierna, the president
of the degree course is Prof. Piero Ostilio Rossi. The class here presented
is for 5th year students (EU degree course headed by Prof. Marcello
Pazzaglini). Bibliographic resources and meeting facilities are at the
DPAUPI Department, directed by Prof. Lucio Valerio Barbera, while the
CeSMA Center, directed by Prof. Renato Masiani, is in charge of realizing
and managing the structures. |
Installation at the Stazione Leopolda, Florence (photo by: Italia Rossi) |
Technology in Architecture: Theory, Practise, Design Instructor: Antonino Saggio (T.A. Francesco De Luca, Italia Rossi) http://www.citicord.uniroma1.it/saggio |
M. Olivieri, F. Pitzalis, G. Janni, A. Marinelli The teaching activity consists of lectures, seminars, tutorials, desk crits and "electronic" reviews and is organized according to seven thematic cycles, each characterized by two points of view: the first one looks at contemporary architectural culture and its latest researches; the second one investigates the topic as it relates to the world of electronic processing. The seeming unbalancing between the two points of view produces interesting dynamics inside the class itself, while providing it its motivation and true incentive. The final work produced in 2003 is called Texpò and proposed a large virtual exhibit on the banks of the Tiber, in the Ostiense area, between the Gasometer to the North and the Marconi Bridge to the South. They are twenty-five projects/installations, each located in a specific site inside a harmonic masterplan that redesigns the banks of the Tiber as a series of emerging thresholds, generating areas with various shapes and bents. Each project/installation is characterized by a series of aspects which can be outlined as follows: A. First of all, each project is based on a "theoretical and technological" theme that is relevant for today's information research (sensors, quanta, topological structures, innovative materials, projective or physical interactivity, etc.) B. Each theme generates a "story", i.e. it finds a concrete application by means of an effort that links research to reality. Often they are real, functional facilities that support the exhibit (a projection tower, a thermal facility, a baby-sitting area, etc.) while at other times they are installations (event space on the water, moments of meditation and therapy, changeable landscape configurations, etc.) C. Each project/installation is part of an area of the Texpò. Hence there is a specific design of the space, of its surroundings and of its links with the adjacent interventions, as well as with the project at large. Relationships with other institutions occur in particular within the cycle of meetings "Coltivatori della mente" to which are invited each week architects, professors, artists, sociologists (Domenico de Masi, Douglas Cooper, Giovanni D'Ambrosio, Luigi Centola, Ma0, Nemesi, Riccardo Migliari, Elastic, etc.). For additional info please see: www.citicord.uniroma1.it/saggio/Colti/vatori.html Students: Carlos Acosta, Alessandro Aimola, Claudio Ampolo, Rosetta Angelini, Fabio Antonelli, Luigina Arduini, Susan Berardo, Luca Bernardi, Giovanni Betti, Luca Biagini, Valerio Biagiola, Mattia Bianchi, Pierluigi Bielli, Lavinia Bove, Barbara Capobasso, Alessia Caprera, Daniele Carfagna, Raffaele Carlani, Alessandro Casciotti, Gianluca Cermentini, Sante Cerquozzi, Gabriele Chiaretti, Francesco Chiovenda, Massimiliano Cioffi, Manuel Coia, Berardo Cornice, Maria Valentina Cortinovis, Gianguido Costantini, Virgilio D'Annibale, Antonello De Bonis, Massimo D'Elia, Michela De Licio, Marcella Del Signore, Andrea De Martinis, Eleonora Di Cosimo, Simone Di Girolamo, Andrea Di Laurenzio, Luca Di Lelio, Cosimo Dominelli, Massimo Fanasca, Elisa Fochetti, Patrizia Fornetti, Michela Giordani, Gordon Janni, Francesco Lai, Michele Lisena, Francesca Luciano, Alessandra Marcoccia, Alessandro Marinelli, Roberta Mililli, Andrea Miscetti, Tiziana Monti, Marco Olivieri, Stefano Pancia, Fabrizio Pistilli, Federico Pitzalis, Cinzia Placco, Alessandra Proietti, Francesca Proietti, Caterina Raddi, Alessandra Ramundo, Sabrina Ranfoni, Diego Rizza, Barbara Roppo, Giuseppe Scalici, Cristiano Scarpa, Federica Scerrato, Fabrizio Sciannamea, Daniele Serangeli, Gabriele Settimelli, Alessandro Silvestri, Olivia Solombrino, Valerio Squanquerillo, Salvatorluca Tallaro, Vincenzo Tattolo, Bernardino Tomassi, Claudia Tozzi, Diego Vanini, Daniele Venanzoni, Alessia Veneziani. |
Founder of the book series "IT Revolution in Architecture", Antonino Saggio wrote essays on IT also in Exhibition catalogues, in conference proceedings (Acadia, Ecaade, Caad Futures, Docomomo) and in magazines. He his author of several books, among which: Giuseppe Terragni (Laterza, 1995), Peter Eisenman and Frank O. Gehry. (Testo&Immagine 1996 e 1997). His activity comprehends the co-foundation of "Il Progetto" and the direction of the section "The Architects" in the Universale di Architettura book series. Prof. Saggio is currently tenured at La Sapienza in Rome and has been lecturing or teaching in Europe, Africa and the United States, in particular at Carnegie-Mellon University-Pittsburgh, GhK-Kassel and Eth-Zurich. | |||||
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