T Studio

Premio Tercas '97, Teramo / selected project premio Cosenza / M. Mainiero, G. Pogliani, G. Salimei and M. Cimiato. Tween sea and hill, the sequence of music halls crosses the ruins of an ancient villa of the Adriatic sea, like a solidified wave; while inflating a new life and establishing a renewed dialogue with the adjacent parc. Europan 4 1996, Bratislava / first prize / G. Piga, G. Pogliani and G. Salimei. Very different functions - museum, residences, informations center, etc. - for a series of inhabited bridges, in order to connect two 'spots', the Castle and the Danube, in the historic town. Saving, in the meanwhile, the modern four lane highway - brutally inflicted to the environment - but, at this point, consolidated and necessary to the contemporary metropolis.



G. Fantilli, R. Grio, M. Mainiero, G. Piga, G. Pogliani, R. Quadarella, G. Salimei. The firm was established in 1989. T-studio entered and won a consistent number of both national and international competitions such as: Dublin 'Living in the city' Commanded Award (1995), Rome '100 Piazze' first prize (1996), Palau fourth prize (1997), Thessaloniki Piazza Anargily second prize (1997) and Nulvi Historic Center third prize (1998). Some of the projects had been published and exhibited.


..... Fondato da G. Fantilli, R. Grio, M. Mainiero, G. Piga, G. Pogliani, R. Quadarella e G. Salimei nel 1989, lo studio partecipa a concorsi internazionali e internazionali e ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti tra cui: progetto segnalato al 'Living in the city' di Dublino (1995), primo premio al '110 Piazze' di Roma (1996), quarto premio Palau e secondo premio per la Piazza Anargily a Salonicco (1997), terzo premio al concorso per il centro storico di Nulvi (1998). I progetti, esposti in varie mostre, sono stati pubblicati su riviste italiane e straniere. ..... t.studio@tiscalinet.it