


[in italiano] The new Tomihiro Museum of SHI-GA, surrounded by the deep green poetry of the mountains and nature of Azuma Village, proposes to translate the Tomihiro philosophy into space. The entire building is designed to create and transmit the world that Hoshino constantly seeks through his poems and watercolor paintings, the world of dignity and gentleness of life which comes from the midst of ordinary nature.


The new museum appears to be shaped by the contours of the surrounding landscape, becoming a progressive series of winding waves in the direction of the lake. Access to the Museum is from the pedestrian pathway which connects the two parking areas at the two extremities of the museum. The building is organized in two different levels: the ground floor for the visitors (an entirely flat space) and the underground level for storage and services. The Hall attends to both the Tomihiro exhibition and complementary functions such as a café, cloakroom, gift shop, temporary exhibition room, and lecture room, which can all work as autonomous functions.

OBR was founded in Genova in the beginning of the year 2000. The partners Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi worked together in the Renzo Piano Building Workshop since 1997. From 2000 they both collaborate with the Architectural Design Courses of the Facoltą di Architettura of the Universitą degli Studi di Genova. Members of the OBR working group are the architects Marco Belcastro, Giovanna Chimeri, Cristiano Ciappolino, Sayaka Nishimura, Stefano Robotti, Rosaura Sancineto; Nicola Bottinelli and Gabriele Pisani are the graphic designers. Working within the realm of experimental research at the confluence of architecture, technology and urbanism, OBR has developed a working philosophy based on the use of organizational teams in which the diverse abilities of each member contribute equally to the realization of a work of architecture. In the end of 2001 OBR won the second prize in the design competition 'Reggio Est' for the conversion of the Stadio Mirabello in Reggio Emilia. In 2002 OBR got through the first phase in the international design competition for the New Tomihiro Museum, Azuma, Japan and won the first prize in the competition 'Polo Intermodale' to be located in front of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Airport.

The Tomihiro exhibition is organized in four rooms and two parcours which together offer a flexible articulation of the themes. Each room is used for the reading of Tomihiro works per season while the connecting parcour suggests a chronological interpretation of Tomihiro's life. Each room has a little space dedicated to the introspective studying of Tomihiro works.

The geometry of the roof permits a controlled permeation of natural light for the viewing of art and acts as a kind of climactic filter. In the exhibition rooms the illumination combines both artificial lighting and indirect and filtered daylight to allow the full spectrum of colors to be seen and to protect the watercolor paintings by the ultraviolet rays.


A final parcour of 'decompression' conducts the visitors along the lake creating a privileged relationship with landscape. This is the space of break, reading and contemplation of nature.

In line with the multitude of nature scenery of Azuma, the outside of the roof is garden. In this sense the new museum, through the mutation of its flowering, follows the course of nature in both time and space.

Open Building Research

International Design Competition. Azuma, Japan, January 2002.

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