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Paola Giaconia (a cura di)
catalogo della mostra, parte dell'edizione 2003 del festival BEYOND MEDIA
Firenze 2-12 ottobre 2003
Mandragora, 2003
pp94, €8,50 €10,00

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The 2003 edition of BEYOND MEDIA/OLTRE I MEDIA is hosting for the very first time a significant exhibition devoted to some of the most distinguished schools of architecture in the world. SPOT ON SCHOOLS offers a first survey of those classes that explored inventive design strategies, facilitated by new technologies, and investigated the ways digital media have informed the conception and production of architecture. It is an exploration of the new ranges of architectural communication that digital media have made available; an investigation of how digital instruments are transforming the modes by which architects can conceive and communicate their designs and of how technology and mass media are shaping their representations; a presentation and discussion of the state-of-the-art and cutting edge researches in the field. Which are the most recent developments, within the field of architectural education, of digital technologies applied to design research? How do the new media affect the modes by which architects communicate, represent and, most importantly, conceive their projects?


The Bartlett, Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL (University College London), London, UK (photo: Omar Cotza).

Columbia University, GSAP (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation), New York, USA. Installation of Sulan Kolatan's studio (photo: Omar Cotza).

UC Berkeley, Department of Architecture, College of Environmental Design, California, USA (photo: Omar Cotza).

The works and researches presented by the 19 schools invited testify how greatly, despite the differences, the new digital tools have modified the discipline of architecture and, as explorative design aides for the creative process, shifted design expressions and ways of designing. The phase of compliance towards preconceived solutions, made possible by the media in hitherto unknown ways, has now been greatly overcome; the projects of these celebrated institutions affirm the will to understand the implications of new technologies of communication and computation. The "traditional" school -which already in the analog era used to show off its "nice drawings"- seems to be over by now. Besides displaying the most radical graphic presentations which stem from researches in the field of visual communication in architecture, the exhibit will include the results of new design methodologies that rely upon state-of-the-art softwares which -being employed in the creative process, and not merely as a drawing and representation tool- call forth a radical transformation of the traditional syntactical and grammatical standards of architecture.

SPOT ON SCHOOLS is a wide though preliminary investigation, aimed at a changing international panorama that is in full development and is not afraid to reveal its heterogeneity and -as far as the most radical and extreme cases are concerned- even its indeterminateness.

An agenda for future investigations.

Paola Giaconia (curator of the exhibit)

(dall'introduzione al catalogo)





Questa pagina è stata curata da Matteo Agnoletto.

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