The Aga Khan Award for Architecture

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture was established by The Aga Khan in 1977 to identify and encourage building concepts that successfully address the needs and aspirations of Muslim societies. It recognises examples of architectural excellence throughout the Muslim world in contemporary design, social housing, community improvement and development, restoration, re-use and area conservation, as well as the environment and landscape design. The Award is part of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, which co-ordinates the cultural activities of the Aga Khan Development Network.

The 1998 cycle marks the twentieth anniversary of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, whose triennial US$ 500,000 prize fund makes it the world’s largest and most prestigious architectural award. The Award is governed by a Steering Committee whose members for the 1998 cycle were Selma Al-Radi, Balkrishna V. Doshi, Peter Eisenman, Charles Jencks, Adhi Moersid, Luis Monreal, Azim Nanji, Ali Shuaibi, and His
Highness The Aga Khan, who is Chairman.

The Awards are made by an independent Master Jury chosen by the Steering Committee for each three-year Award cycle. The Master Jury members for the 1996-1998 cycle were Mohammed Arkoun, Zaha Hadid, Arif Hasan, Saleh Al-Hathloul, Arata Isozaki, Fredric Jameson, Romi Khosla, Yuswadi Saliya, and Dogan Tekeli.

A monograph featuring the 1998 Awards was published in early November 1998 by Thames and Hudson. Entitled Legacies for the Future: Contemporary Architecture in Islamic Societies, it features full descriptions and illustrations of the seven winning projects, as well as essays by the Master Jury members and extracts from their deliberations.

The Next Award Cycle

The next triennial cycle of Award activity will span the period 1999 - 2001. Projects completed and in use between 1988 and 2000 will be considered, and should be located in a predominantly Muslim society, or be designed for or used by Muslims in other societies; projects that are primarily inspired by and respectful of Islamic architectural heritage may also be considered.

Anyone who is interested may submit eligible projects through the Award’s Identification Programme; their suitability as candidates for the Award is undertaken by Award Nominators who review all submitted information.

For further information, please contact:
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
P.O. Box 2049
1211 Geneva 2

Facsimile: (41-22) 909 7292
Telephone: (41-22) 909 7200



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