FUTURE VISION HOUSING - Settings for living

Type: open international
Organizer: ART & TEK INSTITUTE Research Institute of the University for Artistic and Industrial Design, Linz, Austria

The technological revolution does not stop at housing, the most unmediated function of living. The way people live in their homes today is different from that of only a few decades ago. Yet with the accelerating speed and mobility of life, with increasing rootlessness and the mediatization of everyday life, it will also continue to change.
A need for visionary ideas is becoming more pressing. What will ‘housing’ mean in the future, which consequences will result from changed premises? What a new culture of everyday life could look like, but also critical reflections on this theme - these are the central issues of the competition.

The competition is open to artists and architects 35 years of age or younger. There are no restrictions on the type, extent or format of the submitted works. Each participant is expected to define his or her own thematic focal points, outline the intention and put it into practice.

Entry deadline July 31, 2000. Prize Fund of 20000 euro.

For further information contact Architekturforum OÖ, Bernaschekplatz 8,
A-4040 Linz, Austria. Tel./Fax. 00.43.732.711701. Email



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