AIA Santa Barbara Chapter, UCSB

Type: Student
Registration Deadline: May 1, 2000
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2000
Open to: Architecture students in California schools of architecture
Entry Fee: None
Awards: US $6,000 total
Jury: Ken Breisch, Gilbert Garcia, Henry Lenny, Brenda Levin, Donlyn Lyndon

This two-part competition and exhibition of winning entries is organized by the University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Santa Barbara Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. It invites California Schools of Architecture and Planning (Phase 1) and interested architects (Phase 2) to map future directions for growth and development along Chapala Street in Santa Barbara's historic downtown El Pueblo Viejo District.

Chapala Street remains an under-utilized, weak link between State Street, Santa Barbara's main civic and commercial thoroughfare (one block to its east) and the socially and economically diverse residential neighborhood (to its west). The street has had a dynamic history, developing from Santa Barbara's first major Anglo residential neighborhood in the nineteenth century, into an area of small service businesses after 1900, including livery stables, automobile garages and drive-in markets. The Paseo Nuevo Mall, Santa Barbara's Metropolitan Transit District Bus Center and the historic Arlington Theater and Performing Arts Center (1931) are located along the corridor. Portions of Chapala Street are now poised for transformation as Santa Barbara's 21st-century high-tech zone.

PHASE 1 (January - May 2000) invites California Schools of Architecture and Planning to focus on the Chapala Street corridor between the 101 Freeway and Sola Street as design and planning studio projects. These studio projects will outline options for sensitive future development in the downtown area that will extend the City's self-defined ``quality of life" into the 21st-century. Submissions are expected to present innovative solutions for the corridor that creatively address issues of mixed-use planning and the need for more compact work force housing in downtown Santa Barbara, while evaluating current city ordinances and architectural guidelines governing the Pueblo Viejo district.

PHASE 1 is an ideas competition only.

PHASE 2 (January  May 2001) invites architects to submit designs for a build-able prototypical unit on an actual site on Chapala Street incorporating mixed-use planning and work force housing. The competition program for Part II will incorporate data generated by the student component. A jury will evaluate the architects' submissions in mid-May 2001 and monetary prizes for the three best entries will be awarded, followed by an exhibition of the winning submissions in the summer of 2001. A publication dealing with planning for 21st-century Santa Barbara illustrating submissions from both phases of the competition is also planned.

To raise awareness of new opportunities within the Santa Barbara community and among its elected officials and policymakers about options for smart growth and development as a means for preserving the city in the 21st century.

To demonstrate how innovative architectural and planning solutions addressing issues of increased compact mixed-use work force housing within the Chapala corridor in downtown Santa Barbara can respond sensitively to growth needs without compromising the city's ``quality of life" and unique historical heritage.

To creatively assess and interpret the Pueblo Viejo Guidelines and other existing city zoning and planning ordinances as effective regulations helping to guide 21st-century Santa Barbara in its ongoing self-defined interpretation as a ``New Spain" in America.

For more information or to register, contact:
The Architecture and Design Collection (ADC)
Attn: Chapala Competition
University Art Museum, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7130
Phone: 805.893.2724
Fax: 803.893.5384



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