The Shape Of The Future Art Building
International Prize Competition

Open to: The prize competition is open to everyone
Prize: EUR 20.000/EUR 3.350
Registration Deadline: February 29, 2000
Submission Deadline: February 29, 2000


Hotel Pro Forma hereby launches an international prize competition for the shape of the future art building. The prize competition is financed by the New Carlsberg Foundation.


The prize competition will be arranged as part of the preparations for the new Hotel Pro Forma in Ørestad. It is the aim of the prize competition to improve the development of the building programme in relation to the content and form of a new arthouse.


Hotel Pro Forma in Ørestad City is a new building for art in a new part of Copenhagen: A building which is to contribute to the character of the structure of the place and to the future art scene; A building which is to offer the place and this part of the city a strong architectural character. With a very attractive central location in Ørestad the building takes the responsibility for creating an innovative idea of a living art building of the future.

Hotel Pro Forma's long-standing ambition and capacity to integrate several art forms in one performance is now directed to the building itself. A new Hotel Pro Forma in Ørestad is an art institute, a hotel, a car park for new art forms - which cuts across the presentational modes of performance and exhibition; it includes the digital media and creates new constellations between disparate artistic expressions. Like other hotels the art building is to become an open and accessible place for guests who wish to stay for shorter or longer periods of time. A place for presentation, performance, research, contemplation and exchange. A building which can live and function as a place for artistic interference for 24 hours a day - by giving space and time to a changing and diverse circle of guests working within art, learning and commerce and by giving time to the audience of these guests.

During the development of the concept and programme for the future art building, Hotel Pro Forma has decided on the need to identify the content and form of the building from various points of view: not only in an architectural, but also in an artistic, a practical, a sociological and an intellectual-historical way. It is Hotel Pro Forma’s wish to have many people from different groups replying to questions concerning spatial organisation, future ways of collaboration and the need for ‘a physical meeting’, if at all, in the digital age. It is hoped that the participants will raise new questions of both aesthetic and functional proportions, of importance for the creation of a new art building.


The participants are to describe the outlines of a future art building. They should offer a description of what a hotel for art ought to be, and how this hotel is to function.

The entry should include a description of the following three dimensions:

The entry should consider how a building for new art forms can ensure a renewal of its own institutional and generic practices; An art institute which juxtaposes the analogous anchoring of traditions with the digital universe. A description of the organisational form which makes the future art building attractive for artistic creation, scientific investigation and commercial development as a vitally public forum.

In graphic form the entry should demonstrate the spatial conditions in which art, learning and commerce can function together in public. The graphics may be supplied with an account of how flow, circulation and accessibility function as spatial organisational principles.

Amenity Value
The entry should include a consideration of how people passing by without a specific intention can experience the amenity value of the building. Preferably with a consideration of the notions of 'audience', 'art consumer' and 'passer-by'.


Inquiries about the programme and the prize competition should be made in writing no later than 31 January 2000 to the secretariat of the prize competition at:

Danish Centre for Architecture
fax: + 45 32 54 50 10

Inquiries will be put before Hotel Pro Forma and if necessary before the jury. Inquiries and responses will be published 10 days later at this site.


The above programme has been approved by the members of the jury on 17 Jan 2000.



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