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6. international festival for architecture in video

international architectural conference > Florence
international architectural conference > May 2-5, 2002


previous editions

as_architecture, rendez vous, AUSTRIA 2001, 2'24''

Like an auto voyeur, the beholder touches the "skin", experiencing its material transparency. Superposition gives rise to different densities, emptiness and space as demanded by looks and movements. The erotic experience instantaneously turns into desire, unexpectedly appropriating an essentially abstract object. The scope between the picture and the pictured is palpably provocative, while the place of action and the acting remain indistinct and vague. Rendez vous: the transformation of an installation's tactile and visual qualities within the context of the global tools exhibition. as_architecture have developed a spatial fold whose two-layered skin envelopes the exhibits - communication objects of the near and distant future. The skin is the recipient and the communicator. It conveys information by touch, vibration and temperature. The skin is the surface of the hands; the skin is a transparent, elastic membrane; the skin is sensual.

Judith Augustinovic and Herbert Stattler, both born in 1966, have been collaborating since their studies in architecture. After graduating in 1996 they have been working in the expanded field of architecture. Works include realizations in different fields as well as participations in exhibitions. Apart from their as_architecture office both are working in the academic area, at the Institute for Design and Building Construction and at the Institute of Artistic Structuring.
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