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6. international festival for architecture in video

international architectural conference > Florence
international architectural conference > May 2-5, 2002

Vincent Geisel

previous editions

Vincent Geisel (Academy of Arts, Stuttgart), Desert Terminal - The Tumbleweed Experience, DEUTSCHLAND 2001, 1'51"

The project, conducted with professor Nikolaus Parmasche, Frankfurt, deals with wind as a force creating motion. 
Motion creates space. 
Motion can be seen on parts of the building-structure and can be experienced via the tumbleweeds.
The tumbleweeds are a sub-structure, that breaks off the mega-structure when wind is strong enough.
The mega-structure or desert terminal is a roof in the desert bringing shadow to the desert. 
The tumbleweeds are spread with the wind into the desert. 
They are -like the roof- artificial oasis in the desert.
The oasis can be used as a shelter by desert-walkabout-tourists. 

Vincent Geisel was born in Reutlingen, Southern Germany, in 1973. He studied architecture at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany in 1995 and at the Academy of Arts in Stuttgart between 1996 and 2001.
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