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6. international festival for architecture in video

international architectural conference > Florence
international architectural conference > May 2-5, 2002

Joyce Hari

previous editions

Joyce Hari, NoMAD. Non Metropolitan Areas Data, GRECIA 2001, 5'05''

NoMAD is a work in progress which investigates the nomadic behavior’s imprint in the ever-changing landscape. Shootings are being considered as an architectural tool that corresponds to the nomadic condition of the “voyager-observer’s” sight. NoMAD focuses on the transformations of landscape that begin in the extreme and abandoned limits of non-metropolitan peripheral areas. It’s in these limits –and not in the well-formed and high-density city centers- that exist conditions of disparity, instability and transition. NoMAD is a kind of psychogeographic wandering, diary of personal and architectural self-knowledge that registers disparate traces of landscape, “un-significant” installations, areas where itinerant populations inhabit and temporary activities take place.

Joyce Hari
was born in Athens in 1970 and studied Architecture at the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. Since 1996 she has been collaborating in various architectural and art magazines ("Architecture in Greece”, “A3 Architecture”, “The Art Magazine-net”) and publishes articles in monthly magazines and newspapers. She exhibited in architectural group exhibitions and participated in symposiums about art and architecture. In 1998 she participated in the Video Art Section of the First Greek Festival for Art and Technology held in Athens with "Define Void", an architectural video about the contemporary city, produced in 1997.
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