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6. international festival for architecture in video

international architectural conference > Florence
international architectural conference > May 2-5, 2002


previous editions

Dean Di Simone (
Desert House, USA, 2001, 2'00"

Desert House is KDLAB's first short film focusing on the relationship between architecture, filmic narrative and technique. The Desert House is built on the site of a once properous silver mining town. In a studio concerned with issues surrounding nostalgia, this project began with investigations into the issues of blending disparate programs through the techniques of landscape painting, and the correlation between scale and thickness as related to objects of mass production. Layered within three complementary industrial programs, the domestic units are distributed along the natural river basin of the terrain with fresh water pumped up the hill from the abandoned mines returning to the reservoir via grey water channels passing through each unit. The prefabricated units, manufactured in the same manner as fiberglass pools, are organized programmatically around the line of fresh water that enters the home through the garage and exits at the swimming pool.

Founded in 1999 by Dean Di Simone and Joseph Kosinski, KDLAB is an interdisciplinary design firm intent on exploring the blurred boundaries between architectural, digital, and motion design. Committed to research and the fostering of experimentation and collaboration, KDLAB's projects have ranged from interactive multimedia design, to the development of prototype powerplants for the U.S. Department of Energy. The lab is also focused on immersive VR technologies, gaming environments, and digital film work. KDLAB is currently working closely with discreet in software development and has served as content developers for the discreet demo reel and software promotion.
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