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6. international festival for architecture in video

international architectural conference > Florence
international architectural conference > May 2-5, 2002


previous editions

ma0, http://www.ma0.it, ITALIA 2001

Architecture sites are strange things, a hybrid between the will to define a corporate identity with a pure commercial purpose. They are the elaboration of a critical and intellectual path to insert a network with the experiences of possible interlocutors. They are a strange compromise between an advertisement, a declaration of intent and a message in a bottle to be abandoned in waves that will carry it who knows where. The site is conceived in order to get lost between the various aspects of the studio work: competition plans, rewarded or not, installations and conceptual playgrounds are unfolded like nebulas joined one to the other by cross-sectional lines of force, that, more than a guide to the reading of our work, represent the continuous pouring between professional truth on one hand and research on the other. These plans share, following one another, conceptual planning, research for a relationship with the ground, and an idea of architecture as an articulation of limits.

maO (Alberto Iacovoni, Tommaso Avellino, Federico Cavalli, Massimo Ciuffini, Ketty Di Tardo, Luca La Torre) was formed in 1996 around a plan to build up the public residential construction of the Roman area. They started reflecting on the usage of territory through unorthodox and programmatic choices, which expanded towards an architectural concept viewed as a relational environmental system. The central instrument for reflection and research is the participation in international competitions, for which the office obtained in 2001 some important acknowledgments, like an invitation to Archilab 2001 in Orléans, the first prize for a Multimedia Laboratory in the Academy of Graphic Arts of Lipsia, the third prize at Europan6 and a special prize for digital creativity at FEIDAD 2001.
site hosted by ARCH'IT
rivista digitale di architettura
