The 1998 edition of image|architettura in movimento,
International Festival for Architecture in Video, will be held in Florence and Prato from
9 to 13 December 1998.
The program of this year's Festival, dedicated to "Communicating
Architecture", offer five days of meetings and exhibitions in order to
provide a sample of the most important works which configure existing architectures, or
spaces only recently designed, through the screen: from the computer's monitor to the TV,
to motion picture images.
With the development of digital media, and the renewal of designing, communicating and
visualizing tools, dynamic representation assumes today an important role for
architecture. The screen has emerged as a flexible means more and more a flexible means to
communicate information concerning various architectural spaces for both professional
designers and the public.
This year image|architettura in movimento will present a broad view of
the latest video works by students, architects and other authors. One unpublished session
will show, through videos, the architectures soon to be realized in italian cities. The
Festival also includes meetings, lead by experts of architectural design, digital movie
production design, and special effects in films. In addition the Festival will also host
an interactive exhibition for CD ROM and Internet Websites dedicated to architecture. |