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4th International Festival for Architecture in Video

Florence, December 1999


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Darlene A. Brady
Mind's Eye 1998-99
Archi-Textures, USA 1999, 2'36''

Whether identified as "meaningful form" by Frank Lloyd Wright, or the "decorum" of forms by Palladio, the notion of content, or essential idea, is implicit to the creation of architecture. The Mind's Eye Project engages the potential of digital technology and the language of metaphor as integral aspects of the act of creation, in which "ideation" and "kinetics" are formgivers for A Place For Contemplation - an urban adaptive reuse project. The role of the computer is to enable the generation of meaningful architecture that would not be as readily created using conventional methods. Design as a making in the mind uses our rational and imaginative faculties. Ideation draws upon the balance of directed and discursive inquiry inherent in meditation and an ideographic process used in poetry. Meditation as a method of thinking deliberately in order to develop certain specific emotions is essential to the creative process. Within the act of meditation, a person moves from memory through understanding to imagination. This is achieved through an intense, deliberate focusing of the mind and thought on the abstraction of a form, thing, or concept in order to develop or induce imagination. Ideation in poetry uses visual ideograms or pictographs as the starting point for generating expressive words and concepts for a writer. In architecture, ideation reverses the process and involves identifying words or concepts as the starting point for generating a visual ideogram to represent an architectural idea. The concepts are described visually as ideograms and then developed compositionally and spatially through tectonic color and material studies in collages, computer and physical models. The point of this process is to develop the ability to identify appropriate concepts and to interpret the ideas visually as forms which evoke, rather than illustrate, the concepts architecturally; whether the ideas come from a work of literature or the building program. Thus, the architectural program and creative investigation remain potent both as subject and method. The focus is to develop architecture that is culturally significant and relevant, rather than to superimpose the latest style regardless of whether it is appropriate to the situation. Kinetics embraces both passage and transformation as an architectural concept and computer construct. In Mind's Eye, the person passes through the shell of an artifact and engages with the past, or memory, in juxtaposition with the new - a room physically manifest as a play of wood and light cradled by the armature of the old and new structures; an analogy to the pure white light of enraptured vision, the imaginative state of contemplation achieved at the end of the journey. Animation encourages becoming aware of the implications of a design as a part of ideation and development. It enables the tangible reality of light, space, material, and time to construct architectural ideas as form based on an understanding of the human experience. It is in this arena that the use of computer-based animation to capture the mind's eye is especially potent.

Darlene A.Brady is a member of ACADIA and eCAADe. She holds the Professional Degree in Architecture with a major in computer applications and theory from Carnegie-Mellon University; graduate degrees in Architectural Theory and Art History; and an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts - painting and glass. She has taught digital-based architectural design studios as a Visiting Faculty Member at universities in the US and is the author of the forthcoming work, "Architectonic color: it's virtual and physical reality", a digital illuminated manuscript and multi-media CD.